
Checks and maxi-fines to enforce the obligation to carry the mask outdoors throughout Lazio. Only the official status is missing – the announcement will arrive today at 11 am during a press conference at the offices of the Region – but the governor Nicola Zingaretti and his councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato, clarified their intentions long ago: with the Rt contagion rate above 1, the obligation to cover their faces in all public places is triggered. The squeeze in the capital is imminent and the prefect of Rome, Matteo Piantedosi, has already made it clear that the brigade and police controls will be strict: “We have called on all police forces, including the local police, to We recommend the maximum control over the obligations that will be sanctioned – said Piantedosi last night – If there is a general obligation to keep the mask in public, we will be the first to commit. It is not an abstract formula: from March 10 to today, 3 million people have been controlled in Rome. There will be maximum attention “, announces the prefect, who has already implemented a system of mixed controls: normal patrols, checkpoints,” more specific dedicated services. “
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The ordinance of the Region set the amount of fines for those unemployed on the street without a mask at 400 euros. The only exception: those who play sports outdoors, children under 6 years of age and sick subjects, for example heart patients, who cannot walk with their mouth and nose covered. For all others, the obligation will be valid 24 hours a day, as explained by the same. Gypsies: «In Lazio we are evaluating whether we need to extend the obligation of masks 24 hours a day, also to give a signal. I tend to be in favor of adopting all those measures that protect schools, universities and workplaces. According to the President of the Region, “we must return to everyone’s sense of responsibility. I have never stopped worrying, we are getting infected again by the resumption of social life but also because during the summer someone gave the wrong messages, perhaps involuntarily, such as: Covid has disappeared ”.
Pisana’s plan for the next few months includes other steps (and other prohibitions) if the daily balance of positive aspects worsens even more: First, there could be a tight spot at parties, weddings, funerals and ceremonies in general. Then, a return to fees could be arranged in supermarkets and shopping centers, readjusting the relationship between square meters and customers and especially by reverting to fixed access controls, as happened during the closure.
For shops, meanwhile, emergency hours have just been extended: the openings remain staggered in 3 bands, to reduce the crowding of public transport during peak hours. At the moment, the Campidoglio, thanks to the contributions of the Councilor for Productive Activities, Carlo Cafarotti, has only launched a mini-extension, until October 15. But the orientation is clear: while the state of emergency lasts, things will not change for companies. “They are parallel measures to the state of emergency – explains the president of the Commerce Commission, Andrea Coia – so if, as it seems, the government extends it until January 31, the opening hours of shops will also continue until that time. date, in 2021 “. There is only one change: bookstores and stationeries that sell school supplies (from vocabularies to subsidiaries, to arithmetic volumes) will be able to open freely and no longer between 10 and 11, as has happened until now. For the rest, the mechanism is confirmed: the first to open are grocery stores, bakeries and “medium and large sales structures in the food sector”, in short, supermarkets. The opening is between 7 and 8, while the closing can be done before 15 or before 19 (in the case of supermarkets it can slide). Immediately afterwards, between 9.30 and 10, the “non-food workshops” can be opened, the ordinance says, therefore artisans, shoemakers, carpenters. Closing is scheduled before 7:00 pm Third band: all other stores, from clothing to footwear, from telephone stores to Internet points. They can raise the blind between 10 and 11, closing after 19.
Last updated: 11:18