“Today, after more than a decade of doubts, the reputation of John paul ii fell under the darkest cloud. After that the same Vatican rushed to canonize him, published this week an extraordinary report in which he took responsibility for the professional advancement of the cardinal“. The cardinal whom the New York Times is the american Theodore Mc Carrick, defeated in 2018 by French Pope with a ‘direct’ process in the internal forum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and that the Report Mc Carrick wanted for Bergoglio recognized how stalker and sexual predator, especially of young seminarians. in a editorial which is having a global impact, the American newspaper once again raises doubts about the canonization of John paul ii, which took place in 2014 after a flash process and cast shadows on pontiff Polish for how he handled the promotion to the prestigious headquarters of Washington by Mc Carrick, who had an exceptional fundraising record behind him. Meanwhile, the Polish Church is also in crisis.
Despite the cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, former right arm of Wojtyla, a very reliable personal secretary during the years of his pontificate, has already rejected any “infamous” accusation of having received money to “hide facts or favor unworthy people” he advanced with a documentary on Polish television TVN24, the storm does not abate, rekindled today by the news of the cardinal’s death Henryk Gulbinowicz, 97 years old, former Archbishop of Wroclaw, which three weeks ago was deprived of Vatican the right to use the insignia bishops due to the evidence of employee sexual and covering up cases of pedophilia by the clergy of his diocese.
But that’s the case Mc Carrick shake America again: the Now remember that “research” McCarrick defined as “institutional” by Holy See and it was made public last Tuesday, the result of two years of internal investigations with 90 hearings, parallel and in a certain sense consistent with the previous one. Holy office, was “commissioned by French Pope, who canonized Wojtyla in 2014 “and” reveals how John paul ii chose not to believe the repeated accusations of sexual abuse made against the cardinal Mc Carrick, including the pedophilia, allowing you to climb to the top of the hierarchy“.
Always the Now points out that, according to critics, Relationship “Above all, it provides irrefutable proof that church moved with reckless speed to canonize Juan Pablo“With a cause that benefited from the special dispensation of the five years since the death of the candidate”, and is now trapped debris“. the Now also mentions the proper role of You are surprised (in the past also questioned by the sad story of the founder of Legionaries of Christ, Marcial Maciel Degollado), who, as can be seen from the Vatican report, was the intermediary of a letter in which McCarrick farce Wojtyla, claiming to have never had sex with men or women and thus obtain the coveted promotion.
Therefore, the waters remain agitated in the Polish church where the bishops’ conference intends to move forward at the initiative of an independent commission of inquiry into pedophilia. And those of the American Episcopal Conference, meeting today and tomorrow (practically in compliance with the anti COVID-19) in their fall session. On the table of American bishops the shock request of National Catholic Reporter, progressive historical magazine, because it analyzes the request for Vatican to suppress the cult of Saint John Paul II (The liturgical feast is October 22). “Victims of abuse – says the NCR – deserve nothing less than this.”
On the agenda of the assembly of American bishops are precisely these binding issues: “I bishops – read the Usccb website – they will audit a report of National Board of Review that warns the commission about Protection of minors in child protection issues, specifically in politics and the practices of prevention“The meeting agenda also includes a dialogue between the bishops on pastoral responses to the Covid 19 pandemic and on racism.