Pediatrician Ferrando: “In children, Covid looks like many other viruses, there is no alternative to hyssop”


Genoa. The hope is that at least during construction, salivary swabs, less invasive than nasopharynx, may come into play, but ministry approval is needed and investments are needed from public health, for now, however, the only The way to identify a possible case of Covid in pediatric patients, and to do it quickly, is still the classic swab that is stuck in the nose and mouth. An annoying gesture of suffering for adults, much less for a childBut that’s it. “The alternative is the risk of a Covid 19 epidemic,” he says. Alberto Ferrando, a well-known Genoese pediatrician and President of the Italian Society of Outpatient Pediatricians. “The swab is the only tool to date understand how the virus is spreading so as not to return to the desperate situation of February-April ”.

Many parents hope that their pediatrician can, with a visit, prevent certain symptoms from corresponding to the dreaded coronavirus, but this cannot be the case. “It is not possible to establish whether a person is contagious on the basis of an accurate and detailed medical examination. – Ferrando reiterates – also because how many people who were later affected by Covid 19 had no problems and then ended up hospitalized ”.

I symptom. Fever, cough, headache, nausea / vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, shortness of breath, body aches, runny nose / nasal congestion. These are the symptoms found in child patients with Covid. But they are also symptoms of many other more banal and common viruses. “While we are in a pandemic situation, the line to follow will also be the one indicated by the ministry – he continues – the three t’s of tampons, contact tracing and early therapies, in addition of course to the rules of physical distancing, masks, personal hygiene starting with hand washing. There is no escape from here.

Pediatricians have been involved in the Region in the development of new strategies to be applied locally to make these guidelines more effective, especially in view of the return to school. Some details remain to be defined and there will be a new meeting today. “For us pediatricians, it is essential that we can swab children with symptoms within the first 72 hours of their appearance. me that results can arrive in 24 hours”Professor Ferrando continues.

This is not only to avoid having prolonged quarantines in patients who later turn out negative, but also because “contagion is maximum in the first 48-72 hours from the onset of symptoms and this is the most critical and useful moment to track any contact “. case”.

Ligurian pediatricians ask for it in all districts citizen, so that it is easily accessible to anyone, Outpatient clinics are activated where pediatric nurses swab safely and with quick results.. In addition to these, the go-ahead has already been given for experimentation in District 10, in Valpolcevera, where an association of pediatricians directed by Dr. Lavagetto obtained the creation of a safety clinic in the local health authorities where a pediatrician and nurse will be available for families and young patients with potential Covid symptoms.


Another important aspect, for the pediatrician Alberto Ferrando and many of his colleagues, is the management of the sick child. They will stay at home until they recover completely, he emphasizes. And then, to prevent infection, constant and frequent ventilation of the school classrooms: “We must wait for the air to be changed, at least 10 minutes every hour and a half – he emphasizes – yes, even in winter, with the cold ”.
