Peak of cases in the Foggia area, 43 new positives for Coronavirus. In all Puglia 108 infected. A dead man in the bat


The President of the Puglia region, based on information from the Director of the Department of Health Promotion Vito Montanaro, reports that today Saturday, September 19, 2020 in Puglia, 3,717 tests have been registered for the Covid-19 coronavirus infection and they have been registered 108 positive cases: 40 in the province of Bari, 12 in the province of BAT, 3 in the province of Brindisi, 43 in the province of Foggia, 6 in the province of Lecce, 3 in the province of Taranto, 1 resident outside the region. One death was recorded in Bat province.

Since the beginning of the emergency, 372,288 tests have been carried out. 4,278 they are cured patients. 2,088 are currently positive cases. The total of positive cases of Covid in Apulia is 6,944, divided as follows: 2,680 in the province of Bari; 563 in the province of Bat; 756 in the province of Brindisi; 1,649 in the province of Foggia; 749 in the province of Lecce; 493 in the province of Taranto; 53 attributed to residents outside the region; 1 province of unknown residence.

The APL prevention departments have activated all the procedures for the acquisition of anamnestic and epidemiological information, with the aim of tracing close contacts.

The epidemiological bulletin of the Puglia region 19.9.2020 is available at the link:


Declaration of Dg Asl Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce: “The Prevention Department registered 40 new infections today. The positivity for Sars-Cov 2 refers in particular to 31 close contacts linked to previously isolated cases and subjected to epidemiological surveillance, while the necessary investigations are ongoing for the remaining 9 cases. “

Declaration of Dg Asl Brindisi, Giuseppe Pasqualone: “In the province of Brindisi, the Prevention Department has identified, by locating contacts, three positive people, connected to known cases”.

Declaration of Dg Asl Bt, Alessandro Delle Donne: “12 cases registered today in the province of Bat. These are close contacts of other positive cases registered in recent days and in only 3 cases are epidemiological investigations still under way by the Prevention Department ”.

Declaration of the Dg of Asl Foggia, Vito Piazzolla: “There are 43 new positivities for Covid-19 registered today in the province of Foggia. Of these: 31 are contacts of known cases; 8 are symptomatic people, 4 are foreign citizens present in the provincial territory.

ASL Foggia constantly monitors the situation of a nursing home where, at the moment, 8 positive cases of Covid-19 have been registered. All protocols for the safety of guests and operators were activated immediately. The Prevention Department carried out an inspection inside the structure. The Hygiene service is rebuilding the chain of contacts. This afternoon the rest of the guests and all the staff will be subjected to the swab for a total of 80 people. ASL Foggia’s anti-Covid network is also active with the USCA, for the home care of positive patients, and with the service unit “Diseases of the Respiratory System” if necessary. “

Declaration of Dg Asl Lecce, Rodolfo Rollo: “There are 6 cases registered today by ASL Lecce: 4 are close contacts of already known cases, one is a resident who has returned from Sardinia, the other a resident on whom the epidemiological investigations of our Prevention Department are underway” .

Declaration Dg Asl Taranto, Stefano rossi: “Two of the three Covid cases detected in the province of Taranto are attributable to close contacts of positive cases; on the other hand, a negative woman prior to the first swab was positivized and was hospitalized in the Moscati infectious department, also due to previous pathologies ”.

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