PD still far from the League


me first electoral polls disclosed after the vote in the regional elections of September 20 and 21, 2020, are from the institute Technical, commissioned by Rete4 broadcast Fourth Republic, broadcast on the afternoon of Monday 21. It must be taken into account that the political poll was conducted on the basis of interviews conducted between September 19 and 21, so the result of the vote did not influence.

Post-regional electoral polls Tecné: the League expands the PD

The last political poll carried out by Tecné for the Fourth Republic dates back to the end of August. Voting intentions after three weeks., indicates one League even stronger, which went from 24.6% of the votes to 26.2%, a very significant growth of 1.6 points. the P.S. it gains only 0.3% in the same period, reaching 20.1%.

back off Brothers from Italy to four decimal places, which falls to 16.1%, but is even worse in 5 star movement which loses 0.6% and falls below the threshold of 16%, precisely to 15.7%. Go Italy it also registered a decrease, quantified at 0.3%, which brings it to 7.5%.

Among the lesser political forces, a great leap forward from Italy Long Live That rises to 3.5%, nine tenths of a point. A gain that appears to be at the expense of The left that goes from 3.1% to 2.5%, but also by Action, dropping eight decimal places and falling to 1.8%. Calenda’s party joins + Europe which, however, remains stable at 1.8%. The feast of the gods is also stable It gave 1.6%. Others 3.2% (-0.1%).

The non-voting party is still very high, abstention / uncertain It is worth 41.3%, however, three weeks ago it was estimated at 43.4%.

Final remarks

It is evident that the legal facts related to economic aspects that have affected the League have not affected the polls in the least, but not even the result of the regional vote, since although Salvini did not break through and with the right center lost the contenders Puglia me Tuscany, together they stormed the Market with the candidate FdI.

The Democratic Party, on the other hand, almost considered the winner in the regional elections (in any case it lost the Marches), did not win that much, a clear sign that the victory of the center-left and the GypsiesThey are more the result of the strength of the candidates for governor (De Luca in Campania, Emiliano in Puglia and Giani in Tuscany), than of the PD.

The M5S was defeated in the regional elections, although in the Administrations it has always shown its Achilles heel, even when it won the 2018 political elections. More than anything, the party of the current leader Vito Crimi, pays for the different internal currents. Di Maio me By Battista, now in opposite positions, the first pro-government alliance, the second decidedly against.

Well, brothers from Italy, although in Puglia, Dense who was given the advantage over Emiliano, ended up losing and not a little. However, Acquaroli’s victory in Marche must certainly be linked to the party leader, Giorgia Meloni.

Tecnè’s electoral polls carried out from September 19 to 21 indicated a great leap for Italia Viva, but the regional elections recorded a half defeat for Matteo Renzi’s party. Bad Calenda and the left.

What will the next political electoral polls tell us? Don’t miss the next updates.
