“Pd embedded with machismo, we need shock treatment”


Today’s challenge in the House for the presidency of the group between Debora Serracchiani and Marianna Madia occupies a central place in the Democratic Party. Between them “there is no fuss, I do not agree, two men would have argued animatedly in the same way”, says the secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, to Corriere.it. “They are two women and we tend to tell her more violently, verbally, than she does. In the Senate an agreement was reached on one person, in the Chamber there is a confrontation between two deputies and I am not afraid and the rags do not fly: they discuss how two men would have done, “he observes, underlining that” they are two very free people , far from being attributed to this or that current. This is not a debate dominated by currents, it is a complicated passage, the comparison It is natural, I would have less strong tones, but that there is competition is natural. Tonight the group will decide and whoever wins will have everyone’s support. I have decided not to intervene in the decision because the groups are independent of the parties. . The secretary does not intervene. “

Letta says that she found in the Democratic Party a situation “encrusted with machismo that must be broken with strong gestures.” “There is a need for a shock treatment – he says – In the last three congresses of the Democratic Party in the last 10 years there have always been three candidates for the secretariat, all men”, this shows that there is “a deep rigidity and embedded problem that needs a shock cure “.

“If I had to be secretary of the Democratic Party when the lists for the elections are made and if that is the law, I guarantee that I will not use games” to avoid gender equality, he assures. There is “my commitment to guarantee equality”.

Meanwhile, Madia has written a new letter to her colleagues. “I wanted to say these things while looking everyone in the eye, in a discussion in our group that seemed important to me. They told me that the regulation does not foresee it and therefore tell them my point of view and represent what I consider our priorities I can only not Madia against Serracchiani – it makes it clear – It is the Democratic Party and how we are together in this complicated moment .

“We talk about democracy and our social function. It is a narrow passage. It is also painful on a human level. But politics – continues the former minister of the AP – must also be this: emotional participation, passion. Not an algorithm of I have a strong sense of gratitude and responsibility for the colleagues who have supported me until now and also for those who have different positions but whose deep sense of belonging to our collective experience I recognize ”.

“I say this to everyone, women and men to whom I have been linked during years of common work, you know that what I say in public I say in private. With the doubts and weaknesses to which each of us has a right and even a duty. But always and only – assures Madia – with the aim of trying to take a collective step forward and when I say collective it means that for each election the attempt must be the will to maintain this party.
