The school-work alternation was introduced in the school system as a didactic methodology for the completion of second cycle courses through art. 4 of law 3/28/2003 n. 53, governed by subsequent legislative decree 4/15/2005 n. 77 and renamed by Law 145 of December 30, 2018 as “Paths of transversal competences and orientation”, its objective is to guarantee young people between 15 and 18 years of age, in addition to basic knowledge, the acquisition of skills that can be spend in the labor market.
The art. 4 and the implementing decree focus attention on the connection of the school with the socio-productive fabric of the territory for learning in different contexts as an innovative teaching method that responds to individual training needs and enhances the training component of the operational experience; and on the exchange between individual schools and between schools and companies.
The need to promote learning for all students and, at the same time, bring the training provided by the school world closer to the key competences for lifelong learning, in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes. , experimenting with other teaching methods based on both knowledge and know-how.
The evolution of the national regulatory framework of the PCTO, part of the “Regulation on the Reorganization of the different secondary schools” (DPR March 15, 2010, n. 87, 88, 89), which considers the alternation between school and work courses Method systematic to be introduced in curricular teaching and declined according to the different fields of study, reiterating some indications already contained in law no. 53/2003 and in decree n. 77/2005, to pass Law 107 of July 13, 2015 (La Buona Scuola) that establishes among the training objectives the improvement of the alternation between school and work in the second cycle of education and finally reach the Law 145 of December 30, 2018, which establishes: “the alternative school work courses referred to in Legislative Decree April 15, 2005, n.77, are now called” transversal competencies and orientation itineraries “and, from the 2018/2019 academic year, with effect from the 2019 financial year, are implemented for a total duration: a) not less than 210 hours in the last three years of the professional institute study course; b) not less than 150 hours in the second two years and in the last year of studies at technical institutes; c) not less than 90 hours in the second two years and in the fifth year of secondary school. “An excellent regulation has been drawn up by the Liceo Statale” Elena Principessa di Napoli “of Rieti, which very often stands out for its organizational capacity and for representing, even through of its documents, a valid example of a “good school.” This Regulation, in fact, should be considered exhaustive for those who want to prepare one that is really effective and stimulating from the legal and, mainly, didactic point of view. In this sense, a applause for professor Paola Giagnoli, director and prestigious reference, it honestly deserves a lot of attention.
Purpose of PCTOs
The purposes of PCTOs are indicated by legislative decree n. 77/2005, art.2.
PCTOs are proposed as a teaching methodology for:
- implement flexible and equivalent learning methods from the cultural and educational point of view, with respect to the results of the second cycle courses, which systematically link face-to-face training with practical experience;
- enriching the training acquired in school and training courses with the acquisition of skills that can also be used in the labor market;
- encourage the guidance of young people to enhance their personal vocations, interests, and individual learning styles;
- create an organic link between the school and training institutions with the world of work and civil society, which allows the active participation of female students in educational processes;
- correlate the training offer with the cultural, social and economic development of the territory.
Law 145 of December 30, 2018
According to the update of Law 145 of December 30, 2018, the PCTOs, which educational institutions promote to develop transversal skills, contribute to enhancing the educational value of in itinere orientation, in a logic also focused on self-orientation. Through the active role of subjects in learning, the ability to make conscious decisions is developed, an attitude, a “mental habit”, a social and emotional domain is developed.
What are the homework at school?
The school has the following functions and among these those of:
- proceed with the recognition of training needs in the area,
- define training needs based on knowledge of the territory and the evolution of the world of work,
- Identify the realities with which to initiate collaborations that are materialized both in broad agreements and operational and specific agreements,
- edit in PCTO,
- stipulate agreements with host structures.
The implementation
Route planning, which with law 107/2015 assumes a three-year and COMPULSORY dimension, must contribute to the development of the competencies required by the educational, cultural and professional profile of the career. The concept of competence, understood as “demonstrated ability to use, in work, study or professional and personal development situations, a structured set of knowledge and skills acquired in formal, non-formal or informal learning contexts”, presupposes the ‘ ‘integration of knowledge with personal and relational skills; Therefore, PCTOs must offer the student opportunities to solve problems and take on autonomous tasks and initiatives, learn through experience and elaborate / rework it within an operational context.
Design consistency
In order to ensure the coherence of the PCTO planning, by the individual Class Councils, with the Triennial Plan of the Educational Offer, the preliminary contribution of the disciplinary Departments is essential. It is important to highlight the central role of the class councils in the planning (or co-planning) of the courses, in the management and implementation of the same and, finally, in the evaluation of the achievement of the training objectives, by all the teachers of the class council.
I tutor
The Institute, promoter, guarantees for each class a tutor come Responsible for didactic and organizational activities., the hosts indicate a external tutor that deals with the insertion of students in the host structure.
The training courses are carried out based on specific agreements (provided for by Legislative Decree 81/2008 and subsequent amendments, law 107/2015 and subsequent MIUR operating guidelines (Law 145 of December 30, 2018)) stipulated between the Institute in the person of the Director and the host structure in the person of its legal representative. The student’s training project is attached to the agreement.
According to the update of Law 145 of December 30, 2018, the hours foreseen for the second two-month period and the fifth year of high school are a total of 90 (ninety).
The hours related to PCTOs are carried out through training courses in the host structures, but participation in courses, competitions, events, extracurricular activities, events can also be considered valid. They can contemplate a plurality of forms of collaboration with public and private organizations, as well as with the world of work (meetings with experts, visits to companies, field research, business simulation, project-work in and with the company, internships, entrepreneurship projects , etc.). The scan described above may undergo changes for the different classes and in the different years, which in any case will be compensated.
For the validity of the course the attendance of at least three quarters of the personalized annual hours is required.
Safety regulations:
The Host declares under his own responsibility that he has complied with all the obligations derived from Legislative Decree 81/2008 and sim in matters of safety and health at work. In particular, the Host undertakes to ensure that the experience takes place in facilities that comply with the current provisions on fire prevention, health and safety, freeing the Promoter from any verification burden.
In compliance with current regulations on health and safety at work, the Promoting Body and the Host Body undertake to activate the necessary initiatives to achieve adequate protection for students.
The Promoter (School) undertakes to provide information and training through a specific course or training module for preparation in the subject of safety and health at work, undertakes to transmit to students the general notions about correct behavior to be Maintain preventive actions to be followed during the experience in the workplace.
The host organization undertakes to inform the student in advance about the specific risks present in the workplace, about the safety regulations and the procedures to be adopted in case of emergency (evacuation, fire prevention, first aid).