PC, tablet and internet voucher: how to request a voucher of up to 500 euros – Economy


Rome, November 9, 2020 – The new starts today Internet-Pc Voucher. The coupon, up to 500 euros, conceived by the government (with the decree of the Mise of August 7 published in the Official Gazette on October 1) to favor, even and especially in COVID-19, smart work and remote education for schools, digital connectivity, both in terms of internet subscriptions and devices (tablets and PCs).

The first phase of the bonus refers to the low-income families and they do not yet have Internet connectivity. The bonus, of up to 500 euros and while the funds are exhausted (currently 204 million euros), can be used to activate fast connections and at the same time the use of a PC or a tablet reserved for families with an Isee of less of 20 thousand euro per year. At the end of the year, the 200 euro bonus use only for internet connections reserved for those who have an ISEE between 20 thousand and 50 thousand euros and the one (from 500 to 2000 euros) for companies.

How it works and who is it for?

As mentioned, the 500 euro bonus refers to theactivation of an ultra-broadband subscription for online connectivity (for a sum not less than 200 euros) and tablet or personal computer provided by the operator (for a sum not less than 100 euros and not more than 300). The contribution will be granted as a discount on the price of ultra-broadband subscriptions (at least 30 megabits per second in download and 15 in upload) of at least an annual duration and any activation service, as well as for the supply of the modem and a tablet or a PC. To access the voucher, families must not have an Internet connection or in any case be equipped with a service below 30 megabits. Or have a connection of at least 30 megabits and be willing to upgrade to higher connectivity, up to 1 Gigabit. Connections must also have a guaranteed minimum bandwidth, the one established according to Agcom regulations and which must be declared by the operator, of 15 and 7.5 megabits per second respectively. Finally, in the Regions of Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria and Tuscany, upon request, only citizens residing in the Municipalities indicated in specific lists can request the voucher (https: //www.infratelitalia.en / news-archive / news /plan-voucher-updates).

How to claim the bonus

To take advantage of the bonus you must contact the TLC operator (about 40 already registered) that participates in the initiative and is accredited in Infratel Italy. The websites of the main operators have dedicated pages and in any case you can find out at www.infratelitalia.it and www..ultralargaband.italia.it from where the facsimile of the question. Operators can be contacted through any channel but if the home has more than one ultra-broadband infrastructure, to benefit from the contribution it will be necessary to stipulate contracts for maximum connection speed services. To understand the best technology available in a given area, there is the Agcom Broadband map. To measure speed you can use the ‘Internet Measure’ system. To obtain the voucher, you must deliver it to the telephone operator a self-certification indicating the possession of the Isee requirement as well as a copy of the identity document, tax code and activation request. Sara Thus the operator and / or provider to apply the internet discount about the fee and / or cost of activation and provide the router for navigation and any computer or tablet chosen by the customer. The Infratel portal will collect the commercial offers of registered operators with proposals equal to or better than those of the services and prices offered to all users. There should be no contractual restrictions on the cancellation of the service at the expiration of the term for applying the bonus, equal to 12 months. Instead, they can be proposed renewal offers, always with the obligation to notify the Infratel company. Once the service has been activated, it will also be necessary, again at the operator’s expense, to transmit the delivery report signed by the beneficiary, from which the activation of the connection and the successful delivery of the tablet or PC should emerge. The discount will be applied directly by the operator.

The first offers

The main Tlc operators have already taken to the field with offers to take advantage of the bonus. TimFor example, it launched the TIM Super Voucher offer that includes connection up to 1 Giga, HUB + modem with Wi-Fi6, unlimited calls to all landlines and mobiles to match the choice of a tablet or PC. The voucher, with a total value of 500 euros, consists of: a contribution of 200 euros for the activation of the Internet connection that will be paid directly to the TIM invoice with a bonus of 10 euros for 20 months. The customer can then activate TIM Fiber at the price of 19.90 euros / month (instead of 29.90 euros / month). And a contribution of 300 euros for the simultaneous purchase of a tablet or PC. TIM, in this first phase, offers two exclusive products: the Samsung S6 lite WiFi tablet (at only 29.90 euros instead of 329.90 euros) and the 15.6 “Onda Oliver Plus PC (at only 99.90 euros). euros instead of 399, 90 euros).

too Vodafone announced its offer available from mid-November. Vodafone customers with Isee less than 20 thousand euros will have the opportunity to take advantage of the bonus for a total of 500 euros for fixed network connectivity from 30 Mbps and for the purchase of a tablet. They can benefit from a contribution of 240 euros for the activation of the fiber connection that will be paid through a discount of 10 euros per month for 24 months directly on the invoice. Vodafone fiber can be activated at a price of 19.90 euros / month (instead of 29.90), and a contribution of 260 euros for the simultaneous purchase of a tablet.

She also went out to the field WindTre with the Super Fiber offer. The bonus is available to those who activate a new Super Fiber contract in FTTH, activate the home Internet offer up to 200 Mega in FTTC or switch to these offers from a WindTre ADSL contract. The offer includes two options to distribute the bonus of 500 euros. The first includes 260 euros for the activation of the Super Fiber offer (up to 1 Gigabit) plus 240 euros of bonus for the Lenovo Tab M10 tablet. The bonus assigned to the Internet offer is spread over 12 months, so the monthly fee for the first year goes from € 28.98 to € 7.31. Instead, the 240 euros of the tablet manages to completely restore the price. The second option includes 200 euros for the activation of the Super Fiber offer (up to 1 Gigabit) plus 300 euros of bonus for the Galaxy Tab S6 Lite tablet. Also in this case the bonus is distributed over the 12 months: the monthly fee goes from 28.98 to 12.31 euros the first year. The price of the tablet is reduced from 459.90 euros to 159 euros.
