Pavilions in trouble, few intensive therapies and high Rt. That is why Calabria has become a red zone


It does not count the cases by the thousands like Lombardy or Piedmont, it does not have a worrying density of infections like the Val d’Aosta, but Calabria also ends up in the red zone. Reason? Its approximately 3,600 infections are already enough to put the health system at risk.

“An attempt to turn our backs on the Calabrians” complains but without explaining the reason for this supposed fury, the acting president Nino Spirlì, who governs the region since the sudden death of Governor Jole Santelli, “a disturbing choice, perhaps made to justify the ‘Authoritarian action of wanting to govern the Region in a parallel way through the extension of the Calabrian decree’ says his League and on the same crest slide deputies, senators and regional center-right councilors, willing – they promise – to call at the door of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, swearing that there is not enough scientific evidence to support the closure Words that feed the protests – more or less spontaneous – that have been called for tomorrow by restaurateurs, merchants or associations, often close to politics in various parts of the region.

In reality, although the number of infections is much lower than that registered in the other red zones, there are other numbers that condemn Calabria. With an average Rt (transmission index) of 1.66, the region is above 1.5, which is the risk threshold for Cts. Then Covid19 runs, it spreads, it multiplies in dozens of outbreaks, as it had never done in Calabria. If even during the confinement only on one occasion more than 100 new cases were registered per day, for weeks the daily infections have exceeded 200. And after more than a decade of commissioning, which has resulted in linear cuts of departments and personal, active cases are enough to call into question the stability of the system.


The Dpcm is postponed to Friday. Conte: “Puglia and Sicily in the orange band. Red zone for Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta”

The first official alarm came last week from the Higher Institute of Health and since then the contagion curve has never dropped. Of course, the new admissions “evaluation method” established by the Calabria Region has made it possible to adjust down the number of places occupied in intensive care. In the space of a few hours they went from 26 to 10 because as of November 3, only those who are intubated will be considered in intensive care. Who is in assisted ventilation, although hospitalized in the same room, no. A totally Calabrian differentiation that improves the statistics – in this way Agenas can say that only 7% of the intensive care places are occupied by Covid patients, without specifying how many are used by patients suffering from other pathologies – but not the situation.

Also because from the discovery of the infection to intensive care there are a series of intermediate steps, from home care to hospitalization on the ward, and they are all deficient. Only half of the 37 planned Usca, also in charge of monitoring, have been activated, the recruitment of doctors and paramedics has largely remained on paper and 212 hospitalizations were enough to leave departments across Calabria almost out of control. The regional education councilor, astrophysicist Sandra Savaglio, also inadvertently admitted it, saying to the microphones of a local radio station: “Full hospitals in Calabria? This situation could have been foreseen, many hoped that it would not happen and instead it did. In short, the real problem is the fragility of the health system. The 3,600 currently active cases are enough to put you in crisis.

In Rome, they are not even convinced that certain data on infections comes from Calabria. They fear being underestimated. Daily, no more than 2800-2900 swabs are made, the laboratories have not been strengthened and there is also difficulty in identifying contact networks, also because Calabria is the last in the ranking of Immuni users. To compound the chaos at the time – mayors like Michele Conia di Cinquefrondi are summoned in Reggio – there are also private clinics and laboratories, which since May have been doing swabs and serology (obviously for a fee) and have never been scientifically involved. in a collection system. data.

Coronavirus, today’s bulletin November 4: 30,550 new cases out of 211,831 swabs. 352 the dead

curated by Agnese Ananasso

However, with the first Dpcm, the commissioner’s rules have been broken and then-Governor Santelli and her council had a blank check and a free hand to proceed with hiring, purchasing material and equipment, and strengthening departments. What has been done has never been clarified, certainly the Region arrived unprepared for the second wave and with a health facility that is light years away from the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health.

That is why, along with the closure of Calabria, another commissioner arrives, which in fact almost completely defeats the Region. “Due to the ongoing emergency situation and verified the repeated failure to achieve, in the Calabria region, the minimum score provided by the table of essential levels of assistance (LAS) in the health sector and the economic and financial objectives provided for in the operational programs, the text provides, for the same region, exceptional measures to guarantee the fundamental right to health “, reads the note issued at the end of the Council of Ministers. During the next 2 years, extendable for another twelve months, the Sanitary Region will not touch the ball.

The commissioner will have to settle the accounts and for this he will have 60 million available annually, but above all he will manage the appointments of all hospital managers – with the Region reduced to a mere consultative role – health and socio-health planning. regional contracts, contracts that exceed the thresholds of community importance and, exclusively, the completion of the procurement procedures for goods, services and maintenance work. The commissioner must also supervise the execution of the Covid plan and define the extraordinary three-year plan for sanitary construction and technological adaptation of the emergency, hospital and territorial network of the Region. Translation, an extraordinary plan to adapt the healthcare offer to that guaranteed in the rest of the country.
