It seems that there is a pact, in fact there could be a pact between Andrea Pirlo and Cristiano Ronaldo, two of the elements that will be symbols of this season.
On the one hand, the rookie coach who is looking for the first time from Master of the field to coach and hopes to do better than Maurizio Sarri and compared to last season would mean winning the championship and advancing in the Champions League.
On the opposite side, however, Cristiano Ronaldo, the eternal champion who even at this start of the season, first in the national team and then in the first and only friendly of the season, showed that he was still him and could only be him, the driver of this. Juventus.
The pact is simple: try to do everything, with group unity, wanting to work together in a constructive way so that Juventus continues to win and continue to be the protagonist in both Italy and Europe after a season that has seen elements. positive but also negative. Because at the end of the Champions League, the Bianconeri started early too early and didn’t even make it to the final stages.
For Pirlo it will not be easy for several reasons: clearly there are many changes in the team, it is the first season as a coach, the team had some problems last year, especially in defense in the final phase of the season as had happened the previous year . Juventus has also started a rejuvenation phase especially in midfield with many young players. All of these are factors that can also affect seasonal performance, they should not be a limit but a stimulus and the stimulus is the illusion that seems to come from the new coach.
The illusion that is now at the beginning of this adventure and we hope that it can also continue when the first difficulties arrive, which as always come, but which we must also know how to manage and overcome in order to become strong and winning coaches.
It is important to have an ally and having the best player on your team is without a doubt a positive element, very, very positive for a coach who seems good to us but obviously a beginner.
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