Luigi Di Maio defines “shocking images of the patient found dead in the bathroom of the Cardarelli hospital in Naples”. The video, in addition to the deceased patient, shows a situation of extreme difficulty inside the hospital. “We are faced with dramatic and unacceptable events”, the minister writes on Facebook, adding that the situation “in Naples and in many areas of Campania” is now “out of control” and for this reason the government must act “because there is no more time”.
The former political leader of the 5 Star Movement adds that “the life and right to health of every citizen are priorities that must be protected above all else. If local authorities don’t, the state must. I have been silent until now out of respect for all the institutions involved. But now we have to intervene immediately and we have to do it especially in the South, which runs the risk of imploding ”.
“I believe”, continues Di Maio, “that our government must not waste time and must respond, as it always has. We are here to decide, we leave the talk shows and jokes to others. Italians want to see us determined and determined ”, he concludes.