Don Gabriele Pirini and the seminarian Francesco Agatensi tested positive for Coronavirus and are in quarantine, with a clinical picture that progressively improves. Don Pirini’s entry into the Madonna del Lago parish scheduled for Sunday, November 22, has been postponed to a later date. Bishop Livio Corazza, who in recent days met with the seminarian Agatensi, will remain in preventive home isolation until next week.
“Let us not allow ourselves to be overcome by fear and despair – exhorts Archbishop Corazza – let us move forward with responsibility and confidence, especially now that we enter the orange belt. We entrust the Lord, who is close and always supports us, all the sick, the health personnel and those who are in difficulties due to the consequences of the covid ”.
And these days the entire Diocese has also prayed for Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, president of the CEI, hospitalized by Covid. The bishop will not be able to attend the commitments that are already on the agenda: on Sunday 15 the administration of confirmation in San Pietro di Forlimpopoli and San Martino in Strada and the celebration of mass in Santa Maria del Fiore on the occasion of the Day of the poor. He will be replaced by the vicar general, Monsignor Pietro Fabbri and by the episcopal vicars. However, Monsignor Corazza continues to lead the Diocese every day through the phone, emails, and social media communications with his collaborators.
Meanwhile, pastoral activities continue in the parishes in compliance with anticovid norms, with liturgical celebrations and formative proposals. Regarding the latter, the bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Emilia-Romagna have ordered that “until December 3, it is possible to hold catechetical meetings for the Christian initiation of children and young people”, while “it is advisable to suspend meetings in the presence of the catechesis and training from high school onwards, preferring in this phase the online mode ”.