Turn around? Sergio Mattarella does not rule out that before dissolving the Bedrooms the Giuseppe Conte’s government it can go through a renewal of the ministerial structure: the so-called reorganization, but only with a new vote of confidence from the two branches of Parliament; a kind of Conte bis del Conte 2. A change of course, an exclusive background brought to light by affaritaliani.it, which nullifies the latest political indiscretions that saw the Colle oppose any form of reorganization and that the only solution to the conflicts between the government allies, was a rush or a parliamentary crisis with the consequent dissolution of Parliament and new elections, despite of the period of the pandemic.
The important thing, Colle Filters, is that the parties do not waste time in negotiations on names and seats. If it needs to be rearranged, so be it. fast and clear. The Quirinal, on the other hand, does not like at all the hypothesis of a completely new government such as technical ones or broad understandings: there are no formal consultations that would take weeks or even months as has happened in the past, nor new majorities on the horizon as the remote hypothesis to date, but which a few weeks ago seemed to have taken over the majority of Silvio Berlusconi with Forza Italia. Mattarella’s choice seems to coincide thus with Matteo renzi or in any case to the strategy of the former prime minister who has always believed that in the event of a government crisis, the hypothesis of new elections would not remain. A change of scenery that puts the first story with his back to the wall. Change of scenery because until a few days ago, according to rumors, Mattarella would have ruled out any reorganization. But now the stage has become too dangerous …