Parties in red but not the Befana. Here is the schedule of bans.



The last weekend off
Those who plan to leave should not have any unpleasant surprises. No advance of the red zone as well as the penalizers worried about a weekend with full capacity on trains leaving for the south of Turin, Milan and Rome and overflowing planes with exorbitant rates. You will be able to move freely except in Abruzzo (the only region that should remain orange from tomorrow) where you will not be able to leave your municipality. It is also the last weekend that we can move into second homes.

Shops are open everywhere until 9:00 p.m. with anti-crowding measures, bars and restaurants open until 6:00 p.m. Only in Abruzzo, if it is still orange, public establishments will only be able to work with take away food (until 10pm) and address. The curfew at 22:00 is still valid.

21 – 23

No trips, but everything open
As of Monday, the infra-regional mobility block begins throughout Italy. It will be possible to move from one region to another just for work, necessity or urgency and, always, return to one’s residence, domicile or home where it will also be possible to meet the partner who works in another city. Those who intend to move to a second home within their region can do so.
With all Italian regions in yellow except Abruzzo, it will be the last three days for Christmas shopping, stores open until 9pm with continuous hours and anti-recall measures. And they will also be the only days of the week when you can still go to the restaurant for lunch (tables of no more than four people) and to the bar until 6:00 p.m. Naturally, barbers and hairdressers will also be open. At 10 pm everyone at home.


Italy in the red zone
It is the first block of days before holidays and bank holidays in which all regions must close shops, bars and restaurants. Only grocery stores, pharmacies, tobacconists, newsstands, and bookstores are open during normal holiday hours.
All movements are prohibited even within the municipality itself, except for reasons of necessity, work or urgency. You can go to mass but not at the home of relatives. No Christmas lunches and dinners, therefore, if not with the cohabiting nucleus perhaps extended to no more than two close relatives: the parents
elderly or children or permanent partners. It is allowed to go out to do sports or physical activity and (only one person) to assist those who are not self-sufficient.


Reopens for only three days
The grip is loosened Monday through Wednesday. Shops still reopen until 9:00 p.m., bars and restaurants always open until 6:00 p.m. and with normal restrictions, the curfew returns at 10:00 p.m. and the prohibition to move between regions. So that you can move freely in your municipality and within your region. Only in Abruzzo (if it is still orange) the bars and restaurants will remain closed and you will not be able to leave your municipality except for work, health and necessity reasons.


The red zone is back
The goal is to block the end of the year parties and family lunches. Total blocking of movements even within municipalities. It will not be possible to leave the house except for valid reasons from Thursday 31 to Sunday 3, a four-day block that should stop those who had already thought of circumventing the curfew by spending all New Year’s Eve in a house with friends. and relatives. Anyone who is on the street for no reason during those four days will be penalized with a fine that will range between 400 and 1000 euros. Obviously closed nonessential shops, bars and restaurants.


Reopens but does not leave the Region
End of Italy in red. Even the Befana should enjoy a less restrictive regimen. The activities reopen, the curfew returns at 10 p.m. but infra-regional movements are still prohibited and will be allowed again from 7.
