More than 30 percentage points at 19. These are the data from the second survey of theto turn off nell ‘election day: At twelve hours after the opening of the polls, he went to vote 30.2% of the holders. Figure that refers to the vote of the referendum on cutting parliamentarians and that on the website of the Ministry of the Interior it is calculated on almost all the 7,903 municipalities. Being a confirmatory referendum no need to reach quorum for its validity.
Senate Supplements – It is difficult to make comparisons with the past since 2016 (for the last constitutional referendum that was rejected) voted in a single day and in general the two-day elections have not been held since the 2013 policies. You can vote until 11 p.m. today and Monday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. regional, administrative and for Supplementary of the Senate in Sardinia (Uninominal College Sardinia 03) and Veneto (Veneto 09 One-Person College). At 12 o’clock, the voter turnout reported by the Interior Ministry was 7.39% in Sardinia and 15.09% in Veneto.
Seven Regions at the polls – Seven regions are called to elect governor and councilors: they are there Aosta Valley, the Liguria, the Tuscany, the Veneto, he Market, the Campania and the Puglia. They involve 18,471,692 voters and are obviously the ones with the highest turnout peaks. In Aosta Valley 18.24% of voters voted, in Veneto 35.5%, in Liguria the participation is around 31.5% and in Tuscany in 35%, in Market a few decimals less. Down on Puglia (27.5%) e Campania, just above 26 and therefore also in this case below the national average. In general, the region that has defected the most from the polls so far is the Sicily, where only 17% of voters turned out to vote: just over half the average for the rest of the country. It must be said that the administration on the island will take place in October, as decided by the regional council. Among the Regions that do not elect a governor in this round, 33.2% should be noted that in Emilia romagna you have already voted for the referendum. In Lombardy the figure stops at 31.6% while in Lazio something more than 26.
Municipalities to vote – Administrative elections, on the other hand, are held in 957 municipalities. At 12 between the capitals Bolzano me Trento recorded a participation of 16%, the same average as Venice, While Aosta almost 20%. Instead of Reggio calabria, another city called to elect a mayor, only 8 percent of those eligible to vote went to vote. The other provincial capitals called to vote are Mantua (14%), Lecco (13.50%), Arezzo (13.90), Macerata (14.7%), Stop (14), Chieti (10%), Andria 15, Trani (16), Matera (10%), Crotone (11.72%) and Nuoro (7.32). At 12, the lowest participation is recorded, probably in Italy Roccella Valdemone, in the province of Messina with 1.77%. Of the 680 inhabitants, 12 went to vote.
Good note everyone pic.twitter.com/kn98FgZIxr
– Giuseppe Conte (@GiuseppeConteIT) September 20, 2020
The vote of the leaders – “Happy voting everyone,” he tweeted. Giuseppe Conte, posting a photo of him while depositing his ballot in the voting booth in via Giulia, where the prime minister voted this morning at lunchtime. Matteo salviniInstead, on social media he practically broke the electoral silence using two hashtags that accompany a video in which he explains why he chose his party: #OggivotoLega me #StavoltavotoLega. “We have been waiting for it for thirty years, “said the Chancellor. Luigi di maio, raising the ballot for the referendum before inserting it into the ballot box at headquarters 18 of the “Sulmona” school in its Pomigliano d’Arco, in the province of Naples. The secretary of the Pd Nicola Zingaretti, went this morning to the Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli school in via Mordini in Rome. “Happy vote to all and all,” he posted on Facebook. Silvio Berlusconiinstead, he cast his vote in accordance with the Anticovid rules from his residence in Arcore.
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Di Maio votes in Pomigliano d’Arco, referendum: “We have been waiting for him for 30 years”. Then selfie and good luck to the mayoral candidate of M5S