Partial closings coming soon – LiveUnict


A new ordinance arrives in Sicily to further limit the spread of the coronavirus. The regional government announces partial closures.

Musumeci chooses the hard line. In front of a number of infections In Sicily it reached 800 units only yesterday, the regional government can no longer afford any more delays and announces, already today, the publication of a new ordinance that further toughens the measures taken at the national level.

In fact, the regional government has taken note of the proposals made by the Sicilian Scientific Technical Committee to limit the infection of the coronavirus on the island. In the afternoon, an interview with the Minister of Health is scheduled to evaluate, jointly and in a spirit of loyal collaboration, some of the proposals that will be adopted in the Sicilian territory.

In the light of the reports on the epidemiological evolution prepared by the experts, the president of the Nello Musumeci Region will issue in the next few hours his own ordinance that will have the “Line of firmness and rigor” although with partial closures, in order to anticipate and contain the spread of the infection in Sicilian territory. Let’s remember that in Sicily there are already five active red zones currently.

Coronavirus Sicily, new ordinance arrives: news about transport, schools and nightlife
