As of tomorrow, Thursday, September 10, the new traffic radar supplied to the Local Police of the Union of Municipalities of Parteolla and Basso Campidano on SS 387 and SS 128 streets comes into operation.
The activation of the speed control service, in urban and extra-urban centers, will be carried out with an electronic meter of the mobile type Autovelox 106.
The commitment of the Union of the Municipalities of Parteolla and Basso Campidano, through its Local Police Force, is to exercise a speed control action (the main cause of road accidents) in the urban and extra-urban territory of the Municipalities of Barrali, Dolianova, Donori, Serdiana, Settimo San Pietro and Soleminis, in line with the regulatory provisions (provided for in the “new highway code”).
“The choice of urban sections where to place the speed detection device was made based on a study that analyzed municipal road networks, falling on those roads where the great distance combined with inadequate speed require priority intervention”, explained Nicola Angius, commander of the Local Police of the Union.
With a view to transparency in administrative action, in synergy with the responsible authorities, the roads subject to speed control will be: in Barrali via Cagliari, via Donori and via Roma; in Dolianova, via E. Lussu, via Cagliari, via Dante, corso Repubblica; in Donori, viale Europa, via Martiri di Nassiriya, via V. Emanuele, via Giardini; in Serdiana, via Manno, via Cagliari, viale Repubblica, northern ring road; in Soleminis, via Pertini, via Mont’Arrubiu, via Serdiana, via Rome; in Settimo San Pietro, via San Salvatore (dir. Sinnai – dir. Selargius), via I Maggio, via Roma, via San Giovanni.