Part-time teacher: what additional activities can he do, attend meetings even if they are held on days when he is not on duty


Part-time teachers can do some additional teaching activities; the important thing is that the latter have a discontinuous character. The instrumental functions can be performed by the professor with a part-time employment relationship, but it is advisable to have a detailed resolution from the Teaching Board that specifies it.

Part time: submission of applications

The application for transformation of the employment relationship from full time to part time must generally be submitted before March 15 of each year. This is an annual term.

The request must be submitted, through the Director of the service school, to the competent Territorial Area. The part time lasts for two school years. At the end of the two years, you do not need to request an extension if you decide to continue part-time. Instead, a full-time return must be explicitly requested. In the presence of justified needs and also in relation to the general labor force situation, it is possible to return, on request, even after only one year of part-time, to standard time.

Part time also for newly hired teachers and ATAs for 2020/21

The March 15 deadline does not apply to workers who establish a new Employment relationship, whether permanent or of a fixed duration, in fact, for new hires it is possible to activate part-time even at the time of signing the individual employment contract with the school director. The transformation of the part-time employment relationship is subject to the discretionary evaluation of the school administration.

The Director will be in charge of carrying out a timely verification in reference to the concession based on the quota of the relative category of competence or professional profile and of promptly transmitting the request to the provincial-territorial scope. Acceptance of applications and modification of an existing contract are the responsibility of the Director.

The CCNL signed on November 29, 2007, in Articles 25 c. 6 and 44 c. 8, has definitely clarified that even newly hired staff You have the right to request part time.

The minimum duration of job performance should be as a rule at least 50% than full time.

What additional tasks can part-time teachers perform?

Article 39 of CCNL / 2007 establishes in paragraph 8:

“Personnel with a part-time employment relationship are excluded from additional continuous teaching activities”

Therefore, the specification “additional teaching” remains; no changes to this effect in CCNL 2016/18. Part-time teachers are not a priori excluded from specific assignments, since there is no list in this regard, nor of activities paid with the FIS.

Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the semantics of the word “continuous” and on the fact that the Contract does not speak of additional activities in general, but of additional didactic activities.

Additional continuous teaching activities that the part-time teacher cannot carry out, some examples

  • Segment allocation by individual schools, when available, up to six hours per week that do not contribute to constituting chairs or time positions;
  • Activities to start sports;
  • Additional teaching activities planned in the PTOF lasting six months or one year.

Additional non-continuous didactic activities that the teacher can do part-time, some examples

  • Excess hours to replace absent colleagues; are of an occasional nature;
  • Recovery courses for several hours and in a limited period of time.

Class coordinators and instrumental functions

Part-time teachers can play the role of class coordinators and instrumental functions, as they are not additional teaching activities, but functional additional activities to teaching.

In any case, in the particular case of the FF.SS, it is possible that the DS raise the issue in the college and the latter, as required by law, deliberates criteria for the attribution, number and recipients of the instrumental functions, inserting or not a That paragraph explains the incompatibilities between performing the role of FS and part-time.

Part-time and collegiate activity, obligation to participate even on days other than service

The Supreme Court has expressed the following principle of law: “The teaching staff of the school sector hired with a part-time contract, based on the provisions of CCNL 4.8.1995, art. 46, 24.7.2003, art. 36, and 29.11.2007, art. 39, as well as OM 23.7.1997, art. 7, has the obligation to carry out the activities functional to collegiate teaching, according to art. 42, paragraph 3, lett. a) CCNL 1995, art. 27, paragraph 3, lett. a) CCNL 2003, art. 29, paragraph 3, lett. a) CCNL 2007, as for full-time teaching staff and, in the case of vertical or mixed part-time, they are obliged to participate in collegiate activity even if the call is organized on days of the week that do not coincide with those established . To teach “

Part-time contracts 20/21, quick guide for teachers and secretaries
