Parliamentary court, that’s how the Senate shrinks. Lombardy is the region that loses the most seats


with the yes to the referendum

With Palazzo Madama reduced from 315 to 200 senators, this is how the number and representation change region by region

by Mariolina Sesto

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With Palazzo Madama reduced from 315 to 200 senators, this is how the number and representation change region by region

2 ‘reading

With the reduction of parliamentarians, on which Italians will be called upon to express themselves with the referendum on September 20 and 21, a true revolution in parliamentary architecture is announced that will also profoundly change the ‘geography’ of regional representation. Especially in the Senate. With the victory of Yes, for example, Lombardy will be the region that will lose the largest number of senators: it will go from the current 49 to only 31 seats in Palazzo Madama, losing up to 18. In terms of representativeness, the second region to pay the consequences Of the cut of 115 senators that will reduce to 200 the elected members of the Senate Assembly, it will be Campania: it passes, in fact, from 29 to 18 senators, losing 11.



How representativeness changes

Therefore, Lombardy will end up with one senator for every 326 thousand inhabitants, while before the cut it would have had one for every 206,203; Umbria will have one for every 220,000 compared to nearly 126,000 with the numbers currently in force. The only regions that will not be affected by the cut in their representation in the Senate will be the smallest: only one will remain the senator of Valle d’Aosta and two will remain those of Molise. Therefore, the representativeness of the elected senators in these regions remains unchanged: one for every 125,501 in the Aosta Valley and one for every 151,000 in Molise.

Who is most affected as a percentage
Some regions will be more affected in relative terms by the cut, losing almost half of their current representatives at Palazzo Madama. It is, for example, the case of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Abruzzo and Calabria that will lose around 40% of the senators. But those who will lose more than half of the parliamentarians in Palazzo Madama will be Umbria and Basilicata, destined to lose 57.1% of the current representation. The representation of the foreign constituency was finally reduced by a third, from six to four seats.
