The responsability “
It will be a modification of the provisioning decree or other provision currently under consideration by Montecitorio to introduce an exception to the ban imposed for December 25 and 26 and January 1, 2021. The Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has succumbed to pressure from the opposition, governors and mayors but – according to the ministers who continue to oppose a relaxation – wants Parliament to decide: “Yes, assuming full responsibility, it wants to introduce some exceptions to the prohibitions. municipalities that will start in a few days we will also discuss with the other heads of delegation and we will return to this point. But obviously Parliament is sovereign. “A line shared by the minister Francesco Boccia: «Using the size of the Municipalities to open a political debate on whether it is necessary to open all of Italy and open the borders of the Municipalities within the provinces or within the Regions, I think it is irresponsible. Whoever wants to open it all takes responsibility for it, Parliament is sovereign. I think that Speranza’s opinion will surely be contrary to mine as if they asked me, whoever wants to change must do so assuming responsibility. “
Small towns
He first thought “Smaller municipalities to allow circulation in a limited mileageAnd this means that only centers with less than 5,000 inhabitants. On the table is the hypothesis of allowing only travel between neighboring municipalities or within the province. Has anyone even thought of be limited to December 25, but it seems an impossible road and therefore in the end it is likely that it will be decided to remove the three-day closures. Also because the motion that the center-right presented to the Senate foresees the complete elimination of the norm and most seem determined not to be invaded, especially not to pave the way for other flexibilities that might be proposed in the future. One should already be called today meeting of heads of delegation precisely to reach an agreement on the modalities and then finalize the text of the provision that will be taken to the Chamber. “If an agreement is reached, say the technicians, a few days will be enough to obtain approval.”
The minutes of the Cts
However, the experts of the Scientific Technical Committee must re-issue their opinion on this point, which before the approval of the Dpcm they had insisted on the need for keep strict measures. But they had underlined the need “taking into account the vastly different dimensions of the Municipalities, to guarantee, in any case, for the smallest realities, movements for situations of need and for the use of the necessary services.”
Students “followed”
The government tries to regroup at the school. A summit among ministers Azzolina, Speranza, Boccia, De Micheli and the head of the Ministry of the Interior, Frattasi, seems to have agreed with the proposal of the head of Education: set a preferred lane to speed buffers and the student tracking. The idea of giving priority to school it will have to be approved by the regions.
“Staggered” admissions
Given the return in the presence of 75 percent of secondary school students, the government is working on the famous “protocol” that Prime Minister Conte announced during the meeting between the State and the Regions. The document will contain the guidelines for the safe reopening of the secondary school, a very delicate operation that will be run by the prefects through provincial tables. Maximum attention should be paid to metropolitan areas, where the minister Paola De Micheli has promised to make “some changes” to avoid dangers meetings on local public transport. But since it is difficult for a miracle to arise compared to autumn, entry of high school students will be staggered starting at 10 in the morning.
December 12, 2020 (change December 12, 2020 | 07:13)