Anief – The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, signed Decree Law No. 111 on the ‘Urgent provisions to face financial and support needs that cannot be delayed for the start of the school year, related to the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19’. Immediately after the publication of the provision in the Official Gazette (General Series n. 223 of 08-09-2020).
Among the various provisions introduced, the content of the provision refers to the financing of additional spaces to carry out teaching activities in presence, agile work for parents of young people and students up to 14 years old infected by Covid and forced to quarantine, as well as the their possible abstention from work (with a 50% rate) and the replacement of the same exempt personnel.
Marcello Pacifico (Anief): “The funds provided for in Decree 111 represent an initial response to the needs that schools must assume to allow a safe restart of more than 8 million students 1.2 million teachers, Ata and school directors, as well as provided by protocols, also signed by us, and by experts in the field of health. It is important that in the coming days, in the face of new needs and emergencies derived from the dynamics that will occur in schools, in a period of epidemiological emergency, an immediate increase in public resources is foreseen, starting with greater coverage. local transportation and smart work to be implemented, where the conditions exist, even not in the presence of infected children. “
The provision
The decree on safe return to school consists of 5 articles and, first of all, it deals with the provisions that must be implemented “in the field of local public transport”: to this end, “allow the provision of public transport services in accordance with the Containment of the spread of COVID-19 “,” the financing, within the limit of 300 million euros, of additional local and regional public transport services “was provided, by the ‘August Decree’ (Decree August 14, 2020, n.104), Also intended for students, necessary to cover the transportation needs derived from the implementation of containment measures derived from the application of the Guidelines for information to users and organizational methods ”. At the same time, measures are introduced to allow the immediate use of the resources contributed by each Region, Autonomous Province or City Council.
New spaces
Therefore, “urgent interventions are expected for the beginning and proper development of the 2020-2021 school year”. Through “the search for spaces”, thanks to the “spending of 3 million euros for the year 2020 and 6 million euros for the year 2021”, which the local authorities will use “mainly for the rental of spaces and related operating expenses and adaptation to educational needs and rental of temporary structures. ”In addition,“ in addition to the measures for the construction of schools, adopted in accordance with article 32, paragraph 2, of Decree Law No. 104, the Ministry of Education allocates an amount equal to 10 million euros for each of the years 2020 and 2021 in favor of the Local Administrations for the realization of structural interventions or extraordinary maintenance aimed at the adaptation and adaptation for educational purposes of Environments and spaces, even if they are rented “.
Agile work for parents under 14 in quarantine
Therefore, the issue of “agile work and extraordinary leave for parents during the compulsory quarantine period of the cohabiting child for school contacts is addressed: an employed parent can perform – according to the decree – the performance of work in agile mode for all or part of the period corresponding to the duration of the quarantine of the cohabiting child, under fourteen years of age, arranged by the territorially competent ASL Prevention Department after the contact that occurs within the school complex “. And “only in the event that the execution of the work cannot be carried out in an agile way and in any case as an alternative to the measure referred to in section 1, one of the parents, alternatively to the other, may abstain from work throughout or part of the period corresponding to the Duration of the quarantine of the child, under fourteen years of age, arranged by the Territorially competent ASL Prevention Department after the contact that occurs within the school complex ”.
Abstention from paid work at 50%
For periods of absence from work -until December 31st and within the spending limit of 50 million euros for 2020, which can also be achieved after prospective monitoring- “it is recognized, in substitution of remuneration and In accordance with paragraph 6, compensation equivalent to 50% of the salary itself, calculated in accordance with the provisions of article 23 of the consolidated text of the legislative provisions on protection and maintenance of maternity and paternity “, with recognition of the” figurative contribution “.
Replacement of personnel
In addition, “in order to guarantee the replacement of the teaching, teaching, administrative, technical and auxiliary personnel of the educational institutions that avail themselves of the benefits referred to in paragraphs 2 to 5, the expenditure of 1.5 million is authorized euros for the year 2020 “.
Download the decree law