“Paratici asked him to wait for January”


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Suárez to Juve: “Paratici asked him to wait until January.” New interception of Professor Spina

La Gazzetta dello Sport post another interception on the Suarez case between the teacher Thorn and her husband, who date from September 15. In the conversation, the teacher made it clear that she had intuited that the Uruguayan was assigned to a team other than youwhile explaining how Paratici he intended to register it in January.

«He told me that Paratici called him this morning and told him it takes a month to become a citizen. For Juventus to realize today that it takes a month to become a citizen, I find it not very credible and that is why Paratici suggested that they wait six months and then return to the Champions League in six months. But he wants to play the Champions League because he is 33 years old (…) and he said that he might be looking for another team.».

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