parameters do not change until December 3


This is the decision that emerged from the meeting between the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, with the regional presidents. From November 20 until the end of the month there will be a technical table between the president of the ISS Brusaferro, the technicians of the institute, those of the Ministry of Health and the Regions to evaluate the latter’s proposals. The Vice-President of the Conference of the Regions, Giovanni Toti: ‘Red’ Liguria would be unjustifiable

The tracking parameters on which the division of Italy into red, orange and yellow zones is based will not change until December 3. And from November 20 until the end of the month there will be a technical table between the president of the Higher Institute of Health Silvio Brusaferro, the technicians of the institute, those of the Ministry of Health and the Regions to evaluate the “new weightings and proposals of the Regions” . about. This is what the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, and the Regions agreed at the meeting, via videoconference, called by Boccia himself after the request of the presidents on the possibility of changing the 21 indicators. “There was a unitary distribution of the road,” according to Boccia. At the table, Health Minister Roberto Speranza would have emphasized: “Nobody underestimates the seriousness of the situation” (CORONAVIRUS, LIVE UPDATES – THE SPECIAL). Government

therefore, for the moment it rejects the pressure from the Regions that for days have been asking to “simplify” the criteria, with the consequence that the monitoring of the next few hours will follow the scheme used up to now and could lead to the transition to the red zone of at least four other Regions: Puglia, Basilicata, Sicilia and Abruzzo, which in fact is already by decision of President Marsilio, with Emilia Romagna and Liguria still at stake. “I do not rule out that there may be other red regions,” he confirms. Bowl.

Boccia: “Refreshments also for regions that apply restrictions independently”

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Covid, Conte: “The parameters allow us to carry out specific interventions”

During the table, Boccia also assured that the Regions that will independently apply restrictive measures for their territories will still be able to request refreshments for the categories affected by the measures.

Esperanza: “Very high pressure on health facilities”

Speranza, inviting us not to underestimate the evolution of the pandemic, explained during the table: “The pressure on health facilities is very high. It is absolutely impossible to exchange some early and still insufficient encouraging signs in a narrow escape. “The first positive signs, he would have emphasized as reported by those present, are” the result of the measures we have taken in recent weeks. “

The possibilities of ‘adjustments’


Covid, Lombardy and Piedmont hypothesis in the orange zone: what changes

If the criteria are maintained, it does not mean that there cannot be a series of territorial ‘adjustments’ anyway before December 3. First of all, for those regions that entered the red zone first: in Piedmont and Lombardy, for example, there are already orange zone values ​​that, if confirmed with the November 27 monitoring, could remove them from the toughest restrictions.

Puglia, the decision on the red zone for the provinces of Bat and Foggia is expected


Covid, here are the 21 indicators that assign color to regions

Meanwhile, a decision on Puglia’s request to declare the red zone for Bat and Foggia provinces is expected on November 20 only. “Yesterday we delivered the updated indicators to the Ministry,” explained Health Councilor Pier Luigi Lopalco, and “tomorrow the Minister should assign the new zones.” Not all Puglia is equally affected and began with asynchronous epidemic curves, “added Lopalco.” The asynchrony of the curves made us take stock that suggested to President Michele Emiliano asking the government to transform the allocation of the area into a single balance for the whole region, but for the province. We believe that it could be a fairly fair assessment to attribute the red zone measures to the north of Puglia and maintain the orange zone for the rest of the region, ”concluded Lopalco.

Toti: “Profitable meeting”

“A fruitful meeting”, commented the vice president of the Conference of the Regions, Giovanni Toti, after the discussion with the ministers Speranza and Boccia. “We have decided to activate a technical roundtable with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità for a detailed analysis of the parameters. Based on the results of this roundtable, we hope to reach a shared election on which to debate politically before the launch of the next Dpcm, also at the light of a different rating from rapid antigen tests. ” Toti, however, specified that he sees no risk of his Region going from the orange to the red zone. “From a technical-scientific point of view, I totally exclude it,” he said in the press point about the covid: “It would be totally unjustifiable.”
