«Papers already in operation. The cost? Three euros each “


Veneto is still the experimentation laboratory In Covid Research: Do-it-yourself tests, similar to pregnancy kits, are already being studied in the region. As for other ‘firsts’, Governor Zaia has entrusted the coordination of the project to the Microbiology of the Treviso Hospital, led by Dr. Roberto Rigoli. Form and operation will be announced tomorrow – Monday 16 – at the headquarters of the Regional Civil Protection.

Also tomorrow, the first 5,000 kits for self-administration of the test will arrive at the health warehouses in Venice. In addition to Treviso they will address 4 or 5 others Regional microbiologies. The experimentation is done “in duplicate”: each test performed with the “do it yourself” is in fact verified on the subject with the classic molecular swab. In short, it is a swab that is inserted into the nasal cavity which is then placed in the reagent container, to have the result of SarsCov2 positivity or not. The crucial step will be validation by the Higher Institute of Health (ISS). After this step, the home-size kits will be ready for sale in pharmacies. A revolution in screening processes. “This is a life-changing test for healthcare professionals, but also for citizens,” Rigoli said recently.

“The ISS – explains Rigoli – has a specific section for the validation of rapid tests. Many parameters are evaluated, not only those related to the specificity and sensitivity of the test, but also the clarity in the execution, the fact that they do not present harmful aspects, among others. So far they have shown great reliability, more than 90% sensitivity and specificity. ‘ “How much will they cost when they are available?” Less than 3 euros »answers the microbiologist.

For this reason, Luca Zaia welcomed the words of Ranieri Guerra, deputy director of the WHO, when he confirmed the possibility of performing self-administered tests in pharmacies in a short time. “Well,” said the governor, “when we said it they gave us naivety. Now that the WHO says it, I hope someone takes us seriously. In addition, Veneto is already a step forward on this path, as it has the IT platform ready to collect the data of those who will use the self-test: the Zero Covid Venetò biosvigilance application, this week had the privacy approval of the Regional Council – in which the ‘positives must upload the results of the tests to communicate them to the health authorities.

Last update: November 16 at 08:32
