
The world believes in gender equality, but Italy is one of the last in Europe.
the gap The employment rate between men and women in the age group generally considered by statistics, which is between 15 and 64 years old, is almost 18 points. However, women have a higher level of education and are present in many qualified professions. “In our country, it is read in an appeal filed today by female scientists, that women represent 56% of the doctors registered in the registry and are almost double the number of men among doctors under 40 years of age. 77% of nurses are women. “

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According to Censis’ analysis, there are more graduates than graduates in Italy (4,277,599, equivalent to 56% of the more than 7.6 million graduates), an increase in the last five years. Women are also in the majority in postgraduate studies, with 59.3% of people enrolled in research doctorates, specialization courses or master’s degrees. Similarly, in the results, the female gender is brighter: in first-grade secondary schools, 5.5% of girls graduate with 10 and receive honors compared to 2.5% of boys. The average rating is 79/100 for girls, while for boys it is 76/100. At the university, 55.5% of the students graduate from the university. 24.9% of women graduate with 110 cum laude, compared to 19.6% of men. And the average grade obtained in the grade is 103.7 for women and 101.9 for men.

The family protection plan: “Children’s centers since the beginning of May”
But all this preparation is apparently of little use. The lack of childcare services, especially in the central and southern parts of the country, forces mothers, much more than fathers, to give up work after their first or second child. Among women between 25 and 49 years of age with minor children, more than 4 in 10 do not have a job, while more than 40% of mothers with at least one child prefer part-time to continue holding an occupation. According to research by Manageritalia based on data from Istat and Isfol, 27% of women quit their jobs after the birth of their first child, so if 59 out of 100 women work after pregnancy, they continue to work alone43 with an abandonment rate of 27.1%.

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A situation that can only worsen with the pandemic. The childcare voucher is considered insufficient by most families. The remote school favors not only students with a good connection and a good computer, but also those with parents, most often mothers, who know how to use them. The risk of infection has deprived many families of the help of domestic workers: in April there was a 30% increase in layoffs. On the one hand, many women have been unemployed; on the other, many families, especially many women, have borne the brunt of domestic work.

Bonus of 600 euros for 2.5 million. But 500 thousand wait
Forced coexistence for pandemic containment measures could certainly lead to a greater exchange of tasks, but Italy has so far not shone in this regard: from the latest Istat survey of everyday life, it appears that women aged 25-44, As a couple with children, who work as a couple, they dedicate an average of 21.6% of their time to family work every day (of which 12.8% to domestic work). Men, on the other hand, dedicate 9.5% and 4.1% of their time to these activities respectively.

Coronavirus, families no longer pay fees for kindergartens and private schools. “The State also helps us”
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