Palù and the vaccine: “Protected at least six months. We will return to normality” – Chronicle


“We have a vaccine with a very high efficacy and an excellent margin of safety.” Then Giorgio Palù, president of the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa). “The date of December 27 is approaching, a symbolic day that marks the beginning of mass vaccinations against Sars-Cov-2.” New Covid variant identified What can be done at Christmas Professor, we have reached a turning point, what happens now? “The vaccines were produced and evaluated in just ten months, an unprecedented number. Subsequently, we will have another 5 or 6 vaccines that are now in process. Almost two million people will be vaccinated against Covid-19 in January.” Self certification …

“We have a vaccine with a very high efficacy and an excellent margin of safety.” So Giorgio Palù, President of the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa). “The date of December 27 is approaching, a symbolic day that marks the beginning of mass vaccinations against Sars-Cov-2.”

New Covid variant identified

What can be done at Christmas

Professor, we’ve reached a tipping point, what happens now?

“The vaccines were produced and evaluated in just ten months, an unprecedented number. Afterwards, we will have another 5 or 6 vaccines that are now in process. Almost two million people will be vaccinated against Covid-19 in January.”

Self-certification to go to family and friends at Christmas

Do we have to take into account allergies or other unwanted effects?

“Aifa will be actively present in the surveillance phase, to evaluate adverse reactions, from an independent observation point. The percentage of effectiveness declared by Pfizer-BioNTech is 95%, indicating that 100% does not exist in nature.”

After so many blows …

“We all have to make an effort to spread a reassuring message. Thanks to vaccines, the average life expectancy of people has increased by about a quarter of a century since the early 1900s. As for Covid-19, it is expected to be the Pfizer vaccine. That Moderna’s guarantees sterilizing immunity. Efficacy has been demonstrated one week after the second dose. The duration of protection is not yet defined, but should be longer than 5-6 months. “

Could the injection of these molecules cause infections or chromosomal alterations?

“I exclude it. This vaccine does not use DNA that can integrate into the human genome, only a genetic component (messenger RNA). There are no whole or live viruses involved, so the vaccine cannot cause disease. The messenger RNA of the vaccine it degrades naturally and does not integrate into chromosomes. “

Will this vaccine also be effective against the English variant?

“The data obtained from pharmaceutical companies and independent laboratories say that yes, the vaccine is effective in this case as well. There are many reported mutations, but none are characterized by greater virulence and a higher fatality rate ”.

Will we be able to get back to our jobs thanks to prophylaxis?

Once vaccinated, it will not be necessary to take special precautions, since it will be necessary to continue using the mask at least until immunization (7-10 days after the second administration) and in conditions of special risk such as meetings and stay in poorly ventilated environments ” .

When will we have stable protection in the community?

“For herd immunity it will be necessary that at least 60-65% of the population is vaccinated, a little more than the coverage needed for vaccination against influenza. However, we cannot predict.”

Where are we in the battle?

“As for all respiratory viruses, winter is the worst period. As this is the first pandemic coronavirus, we still know very little about its evolutionary fate. Considering the low lethality (unlike SARS and MERS) we can assume that Sars-CoV-2 has a tendency, like pandemic influenza viruses, to adapt to the human host, so we should expect their cyclical return. That is why the launch of the anti-Covid9 vaccines represents an important milestone because it affects the prevention by blocking viral transmission ”.
