Palù (Aifa): vaccines also seem to protect against infection


“The indication that is coming is that vaccines induce sterilizing immunity and this is another very good news” that is, in addition to protecting against Covid disease, they prevent asymptomatic infections and make the subject not contagious. This was underlined by Giorgio Palù, president of the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa), during the press conference on vaccines against Covid-19. These are “preliminary observations to be confirmed by testing” and will also be one of the goals of Aifa’s pharmacovigilance.

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“Sterilizing immunity – explained Palù – means that a vaccinated person not only does not develop serious symptoms of the disease (the first objective of the studies carried out to date), but does not become infected and, therefore, in turn cannot This characteristic is essential to reduce viral circulation and for Palù “it will be opportune to evaluate it.” So far, he added, “with 20,000 vaccinated subjects and 20,000 placebos there has been no way to identify how many are infected because it would have been a huge effort , go rub everyone but -he concluded- we will understand soon “.
