Palermo, the mayor of Orlando closes all compulsory schools from Monday: “No response from proposed agencies”



Mandatory schools closed in Palermo due to the Covid-19 emergency starting Monday. It was decided by the mayor, Leoluca Orlando.

“Having recognized the failure to send news about the state of the city’s hospitals and the general health of the health system at the regional level, with possible serious repercussions on the security conditions of citizens, and recognized the considerable increase in infections throughout the Region, as well as in the city and metropolitan area of ​​Palermo – says Orlando –I reluctantly decided to arrange the closure of all compulsory schools in the city starting next Monday.

“I already announce it today – continues the mayor – so that families, school leaders and teachers prepare on time and not face a last minute measure. It is a decision made with pain because I am aware that distance education, although it can be carried out with professionalism and passion, cannot guarantee that human relationship between teachers and students and that relationship of sociability between young people who are an integral part of learning . But precisely because we are facing a health emergency, I must take responsibility for this measure that aims to reduce travel around the city and, therefore, limit the risk of infections. they continue to increase, which places a greater burden on the health system and on doctors who are already at the end of their lives ”.

This is precisely why I decided not to close the municipal nurseries that are based on the territorial system and because the incidence of infections in these structures is 0.15% of the students, less than half that in primary schools and around a fifth of the averages – adds – I would like to emphasize that it is a temporary measure because, moreover, as of Monday there will be a timely and precise monitoring of the trend of infections and, hopefully, of the situation of hospital structures, whose data will be evaluated so that the closure can be limited to a minimum. indispensable. I am sorry, I emphasize once again, having had to make this decision, but I do not believe that it is already possible to postpone the responsibilities that weigh on our children and grandchildren.

