An activity that since the beginning of September has involved dozens of rooms in the Palace of Justice. Three courtrooms, so many chancelleries, and a dozen offices scattered between the old and new courthouses. For now, the court has decided to sanitize only the three courtrooms that will be sanitized tomorrow, while there are still no provisions for the other offices frequented by the professional with Covid 19. To the secretaries and staff who came into contact with the ‘lawyer infected, the court recommended that they either privately swab themselves or self-quarantine.
The unions are up in arms: “Confintesa had already raised the alarm about the lack of security devices in the courts and of protection barriers in the penal classrooms. For weeks we have been asking judicial offices to enforce all anti-Covid measures starting from the plexiglass dividers in classrooms where dozens of people huddle every day.
It was the same lawyer who communicated to the professional order the activities carried out after the work suspension. These are three hearings that were held on the first floor of the new building, where monochromatic trials are largely held. The lawyer with a positive result attended the hearing of the second criminal section in room 5 on September 9, on September 10 at the hearing of the second criminal section in room 6 and on September 14 at the hearing of the fifth section in room 12.
In addition to the classrooms, on the days of the hearings and on the days of the hearings and on September 2, 3 and 8, the lawyer of the second and third criminal section, the criminal enforcement office, the prosecutor’s office for the execution of the prosecution office, the court file, the criminal record reception office, the supervisory court, the general role of the court of criminal appeals and the chancery of the first court of appeals.