Palermo, Orlando’s setback: schools will not close


The mayor backs down: schools won’t close. Leoluca Orlando has called a press conference to announce that the elementary and middle school will remain open.

A step back after the sensational decision announced last night to impose distance education even on children due to the lack of data “on the situation of the hospital network.” An announcement that unleashed the revolt of families and also of many leaders and that split the majority with the councilors of Pd and Avanti together who took a position disavowing the mayor’s line.

Therefore, the schools are open, but the mayor has asked the Region to immediately begin a massive screening in all institutions announcing that the closing draft is ready and that he could sign it at any time.

The mayor said he had made the decision to “freeze order” after speaking with ministers Speranza and Azzolina and with regional president Nello Musumeci.

Orlando: “In Palermo the schools close as of Monday.” The Region is pushing to reopen them

by Claudia Brunetto, Sara Scarafia

“I had a long conversation with Minister Speranza and asked him to evaluate the Sicilian data with the RT approaching 1.5. The minister assured me of careful monitoring. He told me that if there was any cause for concern he would intervene immediately.”

“I also spoke with Minister Azzolina. There is a high degree of safety in schools, certainly more than in the street and even in the family. What worries me are the crowds of parents at the entrance and exit. The minister told me that with a letter she will immediately ask the school administrators to better regulate them and in the meantime I make my appeal to parents ”.

I also called President Musumeci to whom I communicated a concern that I think he shares. We are talking about the uncomfortable data on infections and territorial medicine that must be strengthened. And also of the hospitals in crisis because they were forced to close to make room for the wards. Covid. The governor assured me that every day he will keep me informed about the progress of infections that at this moment in Italy are suffering a slight decrease that should not make us lower our guard. In Palermo there was an increase of 25 deaths per 100 compared to last year. I am willing to adopt more restrictive measures, including the closure of streets and squares or the closure of schools if necessary.

Palermo, Orlando closes schools starting Monday

by Claudia Brunetto, Sara Scarafia

The data released by the provincial office of the school tells that since the beginning of the school year in the nursery, primary and secondary schools of Palermo, 264 cases of students infected by the coronavirus have been registered. 0.44 percent of a school population of almost 60 thousand students and a total of 74 schools: an average of 3 students per school. “The data shows – says Stefano Suraniti, said yesterday the director of the regional office of the school – that the organizational measures and the security protocols adopted have minimized infections in the school environment compared to what happens outside the school” .

Orlando had justified its decision by accusing the Region and the Commissioner for the emergency in Palermo Renato Costa of not providing precise data on the number of beds available. The regional councilors for School and Health Roberto Lagalla and Ruggero Razza asked all municipalities yesterday afternoon not to take independent initiatives. Immediately afterwards, Orlando announced the decision to close schools as the highest health authority. Today the change of course.
