Palermo – 10-year-old girl loses her life after hitting her head at school. The condolences of the Musumeci government –


Very sad news comes from Palermo. A 10-year-old girl lost her life this morning after hitting her head while doing physical education at school. The tragedy occurred at the Vittorio Emanuele Orlando school in Palermo.

From the first reconstructions it appears that the girl slipped and fell backwards, hitting her head. The Director of the Institute immediately called the 118 health workers, but unfortunately there was nothing to do for the child.

“In a school year hampered by the current pandemic, comes the tragic news of the death of the little student from the Vittorio Emanuele Orlando school in Palermo, who died in a moment of carefreeness and joy, true added values ​​of childhood and school. We are sad and amazed. The government of the Sicilian Region joins the pain of the family and the entire Institute, with the certainty that, in everyone’s interest, the causes of the extremely serious accident will be investigated and known. However, a life was cut short at a young age and nothing can return it to loved ones and companions. Personally, as a father and grandfather, I express feelings of particular and affectionate closeness to the family and the school, which will surely also interpret the unanimous thought of the Sicilian community. This is stated by the Councilor for Education Roberto Lagalla, also on behalf of the President of the Region Nello Musumeci.
