Pace del Mela, hit by a car: a 60-year-old man from Barcelona dies


Fatal accident, around midnight in Giammoro (Pace del Mela), at the junction leading to the Milazzo industrial area. A 60-year-old man from Barcelona Pozzo di Gotto, Antonio Maggio, was hit by a car, while crossing the street.

The driver of the vehicle, later detained by the carabiniere, apparently continued his career (for unclear reasons and under investigation). Despite the arrival of medical personnel, nothing could be done.

The body covered by the white sheet lay for a long time on the asphalt, while the pertinent reconnaissance was carried out on the spot. For several hours, traffic on Via Nazionale was paralyzed and the area was closed to the passage of cars. The police are investigating to reconstruct the dynamics of the events.

In front of the place where the accident occurred there is a well-known restaurant, where the sixty-year-old from Barcelona had apparently just spent the night in the company of relatives.

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