Pa: Draghi, central in the pandemic, there is much to do – Economy


“The good functioning of the public sector is at the heart of the smooth running of the company. This is always true, with the pandemic it is even more true, “said Prime Minister Mario Draghi, speaking in the green room of Palazzo Chigi at the signing of the Pact for innovation in public work and social cohesion. “Given this centrality of the public sector, if we look at the current situation we come to the conclusion that there is much to do,” he adds, speaking in particular of the average age and training of public personnel. “The pandemic – said the premier – and the recovery and resilience plan require new skills and new ways of working. New professions require investments and new rules. This is what we started today. “During the consultations I was able to express to you how much I care about this confrontation and this dialogue,” the prime minister told the unions.

The “Pact for the innovation of public work and social cohesion” signed at Palazzo Chigi with Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Cgil, Cisl and Uil “inaugurates a new season of union relations”. Thus, the Minister of Public Administrations, Renato Brunetta, added that “on Friday I will summon the trade union centrals to start negotiations in a short time. It is the best signal for us to restart.”

“The election of President Mario Draghi to enhance today’s agreement with his signature places this new beginning under the best auspices, for the country and for its ability to focus on the responsibility of all parties to build a National Recovery and Resilience Plan. investing in the state and its servants. “This was underlined by the Minister of Public Administrations, Renato Brunetta, at the signing of the” Pact for innovation in public work and social cohesion “at Palazzo Chigi.


“It is a very important act both for the content of the Pact and for the meaning it has. The option of investing in work, in the innovation of public works, in good employment, in training, in investment for a better functioning of the public machine and therefore improve the rights and conditions of citizens I think is a very important objective. ”Therefore, the CGIL Secretary General Maurizio Landini, at the signing of the “Pact for innovation in public work and social cohesion” at Palazzo Chigi. For Landini, “the way and the method with which we move is also important: we need a comparison, to find the necessary syntheses that are capable of responding to the problems and the multiple needs of the country. First, to create jobs, Good job, give a future to young people and women “and reach the renewal of contracts,” adds the leader of the CGIL, appreciating that the confrontation with the unions will begin from Friday, as announced by the minister of the AP , Renato Brunetta.

“The agreement expresses values ​​and important contents both for the world of public works and for the country, looking to the present and the future, to win the challenge of the pandemic, the economic and social crisis and the change in the PA”. Thus, the general secretary of the CISL, Luigi Sbarra, at the signing of the “Pact for innovation in public work and social cohesion” at Palazzo Chigi. “We are giving – he emphasizes – a participatory push to restart the country in the sign of a new consultation and a new social dialogue that will be supported and extended to all areas of the reforms.” Sbarra underlines, among other things, that “the conditions are offered to relaunch employment, renew contracts and contractually regulate forms of agile work” and points out “two major issues: one of method, we are entering a new phase that exalts social relationships, and one in the merit with aspects of absolute importance, in the valuation processes and in the hiring, in training and professionalism. A strong impulse is given to the renewal of contracts “.

“We have signed an important agreement that responds to our needs that we have been doing together for some time. Investing in public administration and ensuring efficient public administration is in the interest of Italian citizens.” Thus, the general secretary of the UIL, Pierpaolo Bombardieri, on the signing of the “Pact for innovation in public work and social cohesion” at Palazzo Chigi. “This agreement underlines the convergence between Cgil Cisl Uil and the Government”, adds Bombardieri, appreciating “the choice of the method of social cohesion” and the beginning of the “new path of union relations”. “A public administration that guarantees citizenship rights and territorial rights every day. In this agreement – he emphasizes – strategic options in investments, digitization, administrative simplification are envisioned. Investments in new hires, in personnel training, in contract renewal. All that serve to identify the request for funds to be made in the Next Generation EU, one of the strategic assets of our country. For us, the PA as guarantor of citizenship rights is one of the strategic assets ”.

Between the chapters of the document there should be training, digitization, launch of competitions, use of smart work once the emergency is exhausted dictated by the pandemic, union relations, contractual welfare and the revision of the professional system of the sector. The document must also include a commitment to expand the technical-economic reserve for new contracts beyond the current 3,375 million.

The Minister of Economy, Daniele Franco, spoke of “important innovations” along the way and spoke of the challenge that Brunetta is working on for the “introduction in a short time” of young people in public administration so that they have the necessary skills to manage new projects .

The agreement will be a framework within which to work and then negotiate on individual issues.

Regarding smart work, there should be a general indication to put it back under the protection of the contract after being in these months of a pandemic governed by law, while with regard to contractual well-being there should be a commitment on its development with the subsequent definition of the modalities, for example, it could be the tax advantage of the complementary salary.
