He was pedaling in his own lane when a car passed him. Everything was consumed in the blink of an eye. The cyclist, hit by the car, was thrown into the nearby ditch and found his death instantly. Disgrace Tuesday afternoon in via Del Partigiano, in Vecchiazzano. The drama, which cost the life of a 64-year-old Forli, took place shortly after 3 in the afternoon. they have operated on the highways.
According to an initial summary reconstruction of the events, the victim, Giancarlo Treossi de Villafranca, a retired ATR employee, was riding a sports bike through the artery towards the city, while a “Fiat Sedici” arrived at the front. by a 43-year-old woman performing an overtaking maneuver. Perhaps dazzled by the reflections of the sun, the motorist did not notice the presence of the cyclist, who could not avoid the impact: run over by the car, he was thrown into the ditch that borders the road. The 118 health workers intervened at the scene with an ambulance and a car with a doctor on board, but there was nothing to be done for the victim. The 64-year-old man leaves his wife.