Florence, October 9, 2020 – Alert goes off in retirement homes, the place most sensitive to the risks to which virus. There are two RSAs where the infection has started to spread again: the Instituto San Giuseppe de Sesto Fiorentino with 8 positive cases among the guests of about 50 and, at this moment, 2 operators (with controls in progress because some are at home with symptoms) and the RSA Rosa Libri di Greve in Chianti where only 6 elderly of the 44 guests resist, with a negative swab: they were transferred to the third floor of the structure, isolated from the 38 positive for the virus: yesterday 21 new cases were reported, only two required hospitalization, among them a grandfather of 105 years.
With a contagion which is also spreading among operators, a dozen in total (two new cases that emerged yesterday), to the residenceAsl in the management of this delicate phase (with the contribution of personnel, in particular nursing, and of all the needs that arise) in accordance with the provisions of the new ordinance, the first signed by the Tuscan Governor Eugenio Giani, just proclaimed: for Tuscany it is number 89, in chronological order, since the beginning of the epidemic. The ordinance, intended to safeguard the health of guests and operators of nursing homes for the elderly and disabled, in force until the end of the state of emergency, follows in all respects the one that expired on July 7 (April 27). and foresees that the public health service will take care of the positive guests of Covid in the RSA, the possible takeover or the support of the ASL in the management of the emergency management of the care facilities, the separation of environments to receive positive guests, isolating them from negative ones, the support of Girot’s specialist teams that take care of the health of patients, but also offer a contribution to management. But for nursing homes, the Region is working on a resolution that provides for an additional protocol, valid for the 322 public and private facilities in Tuscany (with 13-14 thousand guests), to be adopted in agreement also with the private administrators .
In protocol Quick swabs and serological tests will be carried out (at least monthly) with constant periodicity – and independently -, in addition, the valid mechanisms for quarantine will be made explicit, that is, the positive ones must leave the facilities: patients with significant symptoms will be admitted In the hospital, those with few symptoms will go to intermediate care facilities or the special RSA dedicated to Covid. The protocol will identify a rapid replacement system for absent personnel so as not to send assistance in the event of a crisis, all the rules will be provided for the use of personal safety devices, for family members’ access to structures. The role of Girot’s specialist teams will be further clarified and a computerized clinical diary will be provided to allow rapid intervention at the first signs of skidding.
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