
“We were hopeful that the Bergamo dead would defend the rest of Italy. And yet our sacrifice was useless. The patients once again were left alone at home because the system was broken again. “There is no peace of mind Luca Fusco, president of the Covid Victims Committee of Bergamo” We will denounce “, the first-born in Italy in memory and in defense of the deceased of The first wave. His Facebook page, opened on March 22, has 70,000 subscribers. And today it is flooded with testimonies that also come from the center-south, as reported by the investigation into the silent massacre of the epidemic. The hundreds of stories from the relatives of the victims have attached themselves to a complaint filed with the Bergamo Prosecutor investigating a culprit epidemic. Fusco, who lost his father on March 11 in one of the Lombard RSA affected by the virus, is today “furious “because the three thousand dead in the Bergamo area in the first wave did not prevent a new massacre.” Here with us was the book of errors that were not repeated: the scarce availability of evidence, the co Lapse of the prevention departments, the closings decided late, the hospitalization of the virus, the shortage of oxygen cylinders. “
And what hasn’t changed since March and April?
“Nothing has changed: we are making the same mistakes. A tragedy was announced. The most affected areas today, Milan, Varese, Como and Monza, experienced the disaster that affected Bergamo, Brescia, Cremona and Pavia in the spring. We received testimonies from people who died at home because the ambulance did not arrive. A pharmacist says that in the last 15 days there were no more oxygen cylinders for home care. The wife of a doctor who died in April wrote to the health authorities to ask why her husband had left and her colleagues say that even now they do not have masks, shoes, gloves, vaccines.
Now, however, with the red zone, the situation in Lombardy seems to have improved.
But it is not true that things are better. In fact, I appeal: leave us the orange zone because Lombardy is not ready for a yellow zone. On Sunday it will reopen here and this week for free
everyone before Christmas will be very dangerous. Apart from Christmas, here in Lombardy there will be 30,000 empty chairs. And the Region has some terrible responsibilities. But how does a councilor like Giulio Gallera, who manages the Lombard health system at this stage, find time to run and post photos as a child? I couldn’t even sleep. I receive phone calls from general practitioners who have to choose who to vaccinate and who not to vaccinate against influenza among those at risk. And Governor Attilio Fontana writing to the Milan prosecutor’s office to take responsibility for having ordered vaccines in Switzerland without competition. But where do we live? “
The situation is now difficult throughout the country.
«In fact, now they write to us from all over Italy. From Rome, Naples, Puglia, Calabria. And reading these messages that come from the South with stories similar to ours gives us so much bitterness. If they had seen what had happened in Bergamo and Brescia, the second wave would not have happened. Among other things, no one from the council of the Lombardy Region has ever deigned to give us even a phone call, in fact they keep saying that everything was handled perfectly. We ask that those who have made a mistake pay. We have families that have lost a 50-year-old father and a non-working mother is left home alone with three children. Do we leave them there? We don’t talk about it.