Orthopedics and physiatry, Marino clears waiting lists


At Hospital Marino de Cagliari there will be no more names on the waiting list for outpatient services in orthopedics, pediatric orthopedics, hand surgery and physiatry.

All thanks to a specific sacrifice program that began on July 13 and will end on September 14.

“An activity -explains the regional health advisor, Mario Nieddu- that revolves around the plan to reduce the waiting lists launched by the city council before the start of the Covid-19 emergency.”

“Thanks to the resources made available – continues Nieddu – it was possible to increase the activity with the additional services of doctors and nurses, allowing the Marino clinics to also operate in the afternoon and on Saturdays. An approach that, with the resumption of ordinary activities after the stoppage caused by the pandemic, made it possible to concentrate all the visits that were pending in two months, while continuing the activity in the urgent services, never interrupted in the previous phases of the emergency ”.

The program will end in just over two weeks.

“From the lists – adds the exponent from Giunta Solinas – there are about forty visits to pediatric orthopedics to be made. Marino’s programming has produced satisfactory results, which we intend to maintain. A necessary boost, also in light of the fact that anti-contagion provisions for access to face-to-face services, from sorting before visits to sanitation, have extended the time even further. ”

“The reduction to zero of the waiting lists will allow those who book today to receive assistance quickly even for less urgent types of access – he concludes -. An important sign. We have delivered the right tools, in terms of resources. The objective continues to be to accelerate the entire regional health system in this direction. “

(Unioneonline / D)
