
“I learned at home that meetings are often held to consume cocaine and do sex enough to be known as “Villa Inferno“. That’s what Luca Cavazza himself told me when he convinced me to follow him. To talk there little girl 17-year-old young man who ended up in the drug trafficking and prostitution network discovered by the police of Bologna, who tells investigators what was happening inside the Villa between Pianoro and Rastignano, in the Bolognese area, owned by Davide bacci, builder, now in jail.
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Parties based on sex and cocaine with young women, including a minor, who in exchange for drugs, or a few hundred euros, were given to the unsuspected: a builder, a restorer, a lawyer and even an aspirant. diplomatic, Luca Cavazza, 27, former Liga candidate in the last regional elections of Emilia-Romagna. There are eight people investigated, for various reasons to induce child prostitution and drug trafficking, in the investigation of the Bologna police ‘Villa Infernò, since the town of the province where some of the festivals took place was renamed by the same protagonists.
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The investigations began last February from the complaint of the mother of the minor involved, worried that her 17-year-old daughter had not returned home for a couple of days and on her cell phone she hid explicit images of how she was selling her body . The only one going to jail is Davide Bacci, 49, a Bolognese contractor to whom the village belongs. «At home – says the minor heard by the investigators – I learned that meetings are often held to consume cocaine and have so much sex that it is known as” Villa Inferno “. That’s what Luca Cavazza himself told me when he convinced me to follow him. Cavazza himself, from Bologna, well-known real estate agent in the Virtus basketball fans and candidate of the Northern League in support of Lucia Borgonzoni in the last regional match). And then Fabrizio Cresi, 47, from Cesena. For 4 other suspects, including the lawyer involved, the order issued is the obligation to present themselves to the judicial police. For the investigating judge Letizio Magliaro «Cavazza had the task, and carried it out continuously, of identifying young women to be initiated into prostitution, or to be carried out in places where this prostitution activity was consumed , in exchange for cocaine. This activity was carried out almost professionally by Cavazza, ”the judge wrote in the car. “When we got to Bacci’s house, I had already learned from Cavazza that we would have done a great business,” explains the 17-year-old in the minutes, “that is, Bacci would have given us coca. In fact, in Bacci’s house I saw that there were about ten people between boys and girls who were sucking.
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According to the investigations, the meetings did not take place only in ‘Villa Infernò, but in one case also in a hotel or other houses. The minor says that she once spent three days in the apartment of one of the suspects, now subject to the obligation to sign (which also convinced her to introduce him to a former schoolmate, “from whom he bought drugs”). In this case, after consuming cocaine, she says that “she played sexual games” with another 35-year-old woman, for “the visual pleasure” of the man who was with them. “In those three days – he specifies in the minutes – I never had sexual relations with him.” In May, heard again by the carabinieri, the girl recounted an episode in the village where she had a sexual relationship with a 29-year-old girl. “At one point,” he says, “Bacci, followed by some friends, approached the room and I remember that he began to film us.” The seventeen-year-old also explains that she later “slowed down” her relationships with the man because she had “circulated the video” and adds that “Bacci never gave me any money for sexual activity at all, but I remember receiving from him a sum of money in January 2020, money I needed to do my nails.
Last updated: 19:06