Bologna, November 13, 2020 – Emilia romagna orange zone of Sunday November 15 (for two weeks) despite the encouraging numbers in today’s newsletter. Having already risked the change on Monday, this time our region has color changed. The day the governor Stefano bonaccini, tired of COVID-19, announced that they have the bilateral pneumonia, came the evaluation, by the Cts (Scientific Technical Committee), pandemic tracking data from Coronavirus The reason for this decision is in thehigh number of hospitalizations due to covid in the hospitals of Emilia-Romagna. The same fate happened in Market and Friuli Venezia Giulia. Tuscany, on the other hand, turns “red”.
The movements
The fundamental point concerns the displacements, which are prohibited 24 hours a day to other Municipalities and other Regions, with the exception of those motivated by proven work needs, situations of need, study or health reasons or to carry out activities or use services not available in their Municipality (for example, go to the Post Office or purchases, if there are none such offices or points of sale in your municipality).
You can change municipality, province or even region by school needs: those who attend classes can go to any area
Stay the ‘curfew‘from 10pm to 5am, as before and as in all Italian regions, regardless of color.
the Return in your house, home or residence.
With regard to private homes, it is It is strongly recommended not to receive people other than cohabitants, except for work needs or situations of need and urgency.
It is recommended to work remotely, whenever possible, or take a vacation or go out.
The parents
You can always travel to see your children at the former spouse’s house, to help disabled or not self-sufficient people. You can also take your children with their grandparents, but it is strongly not recommended because the elderly are considered at risk.
And the
All stores remain open, naturally subject to the restrictions imposed by the Bonaccini order, so you can go to any store. But only between 5 and 22 and only within its own municipality. You can go to another municipality only if there is no point of sale in yours (or, for example, the post office), or if you need to buy basic necessities not available in the municipality of residence or address. , movement is allowed only within these strict limits, which must be self-certified.
Why is Emilia Romagna orange?
What led to this decision? The high number of hospitalized in covid wards in the region. This was explained by the Councilor for Health, Raffaele Donini, directly to Facebook: “The epidemiological trend seems contradictory – said the councilor – the relationship between positives and swabs was about 11% all week then less compared to the national average. And we have a Rt factor of 1.4 which is lower than in the previous weeks. So it seems data that testifies to a stabilization and softening of the curve “.
But at the same time, Donini stresses, “an important fact about hospitalizations“, since the covid sick occupy 50% of places over the total of those available in the wards and 34% of intensive care. “That is why we moved to another range – Donini reiterates – because I remember that hospitals not only deal with covid, but also provide most of the planned services. That is why we bet on a double front ”. This means that “the stress and pressure on hospitals are such that they lead the Government to believe that the Region should go beyond the band – says Donini – we hope that in these two weeks the pressure is relieved so as not to aggravate our condition and perhaps improve it. “
Newsletter, Covid data from Emilia Romagna from November 13
What changes with the orange zone? In addition to the measures already in force, there are travel forbidden incoming and outgoing from one Region to another and from one Municipality to another, except for proven reasons for work, study, health, needhere self-certification). With the recommendation to avoid unnecessary trips during the day within your municipality.
furthermore, the closing of bars and restaurants, 7 days a week Take out allowed until 10 pm There are no restrictions on home delivery.
Yesterday the governor signed an ordinance with restrictive measures, only to avoid color change, with limitations that mainly concern the shops and consumption in bars and restaurants. Ordinance in force from November 14 to December 3.
With the change of color the regional ordinance will not be revoked: the parts that do not conflict will be maintained. For example, stores are closed on Sundays or weekend restrictions for medium and large stores.
The rules of the orange zone
Self certification
The editable self-certification form: download the PDF here.
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