With the variants that have also been around for a while in Italy and the infections that do not show signs of diminishing, since Sunday almost half of the country runs the risk of ending up in orange, with Abruzzo that seems destined even in the red zone. However, the certification will only come with the publication of the new monitoring data, while the new executive led by Mario Draghi is already working to streamline the Scientific Technical Committee and create a control room for ministers that takes into account not only the appearance regulatory but, at the same time, also economic measures to avoid a new “ski case”.
Gresini, the team introduces themselves and hugs their boss (who has Covid) in the hospital
Also on the table are the new measures that must be taken from next week when the decree that prohibits movement between regions expires, already extended for the first time until February 25. Therefore, the wait is destined for next Friday when the new monitoring data of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità will be published. The regions most at risk are Lombardy (where from today four municipalities are closed), Emilia romagna, Lazio, Piedmont, Friuli Venezia Giulia me Market. The most delicate situation is that ofAbruzzo where there are already two provinces in the red zone, Pescara and Chieti. As of Friday, however, there is a serious risk that the entire region will exceed the rate of 1.25 rupees (the limit to go red), even against the record of hospitalizations of the last two months registered today. On the day the bulletin registered 12,074 new cases, 369 victims and a positive rate of 4.1%, it is not only the data of new hospitalized patients, which is increasing, that is worrying, but also the diffusion of variants that that, according to the words scientists should be immediately isolated. Yesterday, for example, a very rare strain of the virus (only 100 cases in the world) was found in Naples, which appeared for the first time in Italy.
Neapolitan variant, what it is and why it worries. “Possible impact on tests and vaccines”
English variant, she’s on the alert
Today it was Basilicata that identified the English variant – already widespread in Lombardy and other regions – while in Tuscany there would be a case of the Brazilian variant, as already established in Veneto. From the Lombardy Region, President Attilio Fontana launches an appeal to the CTS to anticipate decisions on the areas. «With the Committee – he says – we met on Friday. For me, if it were possible, this date should be brought forward because the data to the CTS arrive on Tuesdays and therefore the news could be anticipated. The Councilor for Health of the Puglia Region, Pierluigi Lopalco, is skeptical about the “traffic light” system. “I think the mechanism should be reviewed,” he explains, “because the change in the epidemiological situation is so fast that changing the risk zone based on an evaluation of data from two weeks before is a mechanism that does not work very well.” Observations to which Prime Minister Draghi himself responds indirectly, in his speech to the Senate: “any change”, he said, will be communicated “well in advance.
Covid Italia, today’s newsletter February 17, 2021: 12,074 cases and 369 deaths
The issue of Cts reorganization
Areas aside, now the new government will also have to address the issue of the reorganization of the CTS and the establishment of a control room of ministers who will evaluate the new measures facing the entire Executive, but will also be the only deputy to collect the indications of technicians and scientists. The intention is to avoid unnecessary overlapping of voices that may somehow ‘destabilize regions, as has often happened in the past. But not only. The cabin will have the task of preparing the measurements and at the same time thinking about the economic issue. For each closure, immediate refreshments should be arranged. It remains to be decided which instrument to use, if the Dpcm challenged several times (the one in force today expires on March 5) or the more traditional decree, such as the one that prohibits movement between regions whose effectiveness will cease next Thursday. . A measure that will almost certainly be expanded.
Yellow-red-orange area, the rulers —-> Download the PDF
Last updated: 20:29