In short, the areas of confinement (the entire province of Perugia and six municipalities of Terni) were not enough, which have hardened 70 percent of Umbria. The virus, and its dangerous English and Brazilian variants, has not stopped running in Umbria: the The curve has been increasing since Christmas with a linear and cyclical trend. according to the weekly analysis of the epidemiological nucleus of the Region. The Rt index calculated during the last 14 days based on the data was indicated at 1.07 (with a range of 0.92 to 1.22). Among the data mentioned are the peaks in hospitalizations and the increase in cases in young people of school age. Numbers that bring you closer the great regional red zone closer and closer. Experts such as Andrea Crisanti, director of the Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology at the Padua hospital also ask: Close 3-4 weeks drastically Codogno red zone style, and stop all forms of displacement, even that of students, which is a very dangerous source of spread of the Sars-CoV-2 infection because it leads to crossing regional borders.
Tuscany fears variants
as well Tuscany runs the risk of retiring, but in an orange band with some probable red spots. The final decision will arrive only on Friday in the control room of the Higher Institute of Health (which will be assigned by the regional RT), but the figures do not seem to leave room for optimism. Infections, in fact, are on the rise: in 24 hours, the number of new cases goes from 671 to 894, well above the average of 400-500 positives registered in recent weeks. The rate of new positives is now 4.6% (9% at first diagnoses). And the regional RT, estimated a few days ago by the president of the Tuscany Region, Eugenio Giani, between 1 and 1.1. The variants are also worrying here: on Thursday morning a new case of the English variant was found in the upper part of Siena, in Colle Vald’Elsa, which has 95 people positive for the virus. The report adds to the variant cases found in Sansepolcro, Aretino and Chiusi, in the lower part of Siena, a stone’s throw from the border with Umbria. For the two citizens of the Arezzo province admitted to the city hospital, the analyzes showed the presence of the Brazilian and English variant. In Chiusi, however, cases of Brazilian and South African variants were discovered. Closed in the red zone since last Saturday and during the week it screened the entire population in the context of “Safe Territories”. Sansepolcro seems destined for the same fate And starting Tuesday, it will host the next stage of the regional epidemiological monitoring project.
The european map
Not only the ISS to map the areas with the highest risk of contagion in Italy. Umbria and the provinces of Trento and Bolzano are currently part of the dark red zone, the one considered the highest risk for Covid-19, in the updated map of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. Friuli Venezia Giulia, first in dark red, instead returned to the red zone.
Feb 11, 2021 (change Feb 11, 2021 | 18:36)