In the face to face between Giuseppe Conte me Matteo renzi The usual and well-informed story that the former scrap dealer would have warned the prime minister that, in the event of a crisis, he will start looking for a new government majority, that 90% will no longer be presided over by him. From today’s issue of Republic however, a completely different type of message arrives than the one presented as “Authorized Renzian exponentAccording to which this government “is not technically dead” and therefore Count ter should not be excluded, with Mario Draghi ready as an alternative.
In its own way, the Democratic Party is also emerging, which until now has hidden in the shadow of Renzi, sent to do the dirty work: “The government check? I think at this point – he said Nicola Zingaretti – All political forces have indicated their priorities to the Prime Minister. Now we have to quickly close this phase because we cannot live in uncertainty forever. It is the moment of decisions ”. Meanwhile, Renzi continues to threaten the prime minister with the resignation of the ministers of Italia Viva: “If Conte believes that what we are proposing is not good, with respect to the institutions, we will get up and leave.”
Consequently, second Republic, the premier to save the chair must grant something to the adversaries-allies: not only Renzi, who could land on the Farnesina, but also Luigi Di Maio, with the M5s who would like to see him again in the role of Deputy Prime Minister. Draghi is always in the background, evoked by all but pending so far: for Repubblica between now and January 6 it will be discovered if the scrapper is one more hoax or this time it will really reach a crisis, which could eventually in two ways, Conte ter or Draghi.