Openings for risk areas and stops in South Tyrol


The government is holding back the regions: openings for risk areas and stops in South Tyrol

After the Calabria, Bolzano. The autonomous province passes a law that accelerates the Phase 2 in South tyroltherefore from today they will be able to open i shopswhereas Monday depends on hairdressers, Pub, restaurants and museums and 25 instead of ai Hotels. A tear Phase 2 that follows the governor’s Jole Santelli in Calabria (for which the pronouncement of the TAR is expected today) and that provokes the identical reaction already seen for the southern region: the contested law. The ad comes from Francesco Boccia: “The government all you can do is challenge the provision, limited to the parties in contrast to the rules on workplace safety. “


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Phase 2: all reopens. Restaurants from 18: spaced at the table. Theaters in June. The document

Coronavirus, weekend alert: checks on the beach, sunbathing on the beach prohibited

Governor Arno Kompatscher is convinced that the law will survive before the Consultation: «We assume this great responsibility and we count on the collaboration of the citizens. It was correct to give a sign of hope. The South Tyrol movement immediately provokes a reaction in the other northern regions in the trenches not to even wait for the May 18 window to reopen bars, restaurants, hairdressers and beauty centers. of Luca Zaia (Veneto) to Massimiliano Fedriga (Friuli Venezia Giulia) The pressure continues to play ahead. The latter announces, in fact, the date of next Monday for the return to retail. All this chaos, even Michele Emiliano’s Puglia says he has a very big plan in his pocket, collides once again with the government’s instructions. But also with those of the president of the Superior Institute of Health Silvio Brusaferro: «The virus has not changed neither the identity nor the characteristics. Violating the rules of conduct for the prevention of contagion, therefore, could facilitate its circulation. “It means that the indication of the Scientific Committee does not change: next week the data of the debut of Phase 2 will be analyzed and, only on the basis of the various territorial algorithms, a decision will be made. “Only from the analysis of the data, which will be carried out by the control room between the ministry and the Regions, will it be possible to reason subsequent measures,” says Brusaferro. attune with the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, who returns to preach to “manage the reopening phase with great attention and graduation.” No flight forward: the minister explains again why “much responsibility is still needed, otherwise we will end frustrating the sacrifices made so far. “

Therefore, it is clear how the situation risks ending up out of control. Also because the governors have announced since 18 a “free everyone” that will be difficult to control. Here, for example, Giovanni Toti in Liguria: “The goal of the general reopening is more on May 18 than before, although I do not exclude that something may reopen next week.”

Stefano Bonaccini, president of the Emilia Romagna Democratic Party and head of the State-Regions conference, calls for “autonomy” in the reopening from 18. A perspective that conflicts with the government’s plan. Once all the data on the contagion rate and the parameters imposed by the Ministry of Health in the Regions have been acquired, the idea of ​​Prime Minister Conte is to reach a Dpcm that divides Italy by risk bands. Taking into account the R0 and RT contagion rates, the preparation of the health structure (placed in intensive care) upon the return of the epidemic and, in general, of the 21 rules established by the scientific committee (starting, for example, by the massive use of tampons). Certainly next week you will see a patchy picture of Italy struggling with the coronavirus. And based on this, the government will apply a Dpcm that divides the country into bands, within which to contemplate the start of certain activities.

An expansion of the links, on a territorial basis, with a premise: for extra-regional mobility, in all probability, it will be necessary to wait again on June 1. Except, of course, always the return of the virus.

Last update: 08:47

