Two bandits with their faces covered by ski masks and their weapons broke into the Acqua & Sapone store in Viale Le Corbusier last night with approximately half an hour to go until closing. Determined to raise as much money as possible, they went so far as to threaten a saleswoman by pointing the gun at her head, but had to settle for the money left in two cash registers and then sneak out before it was too late for them.
The robbers’ plan was triggered around 7:30 pm when there was still a discreet coming and going of customers inside the store, located behind the Colosseum condominium. The two strangers arrived aboard a maxi scooter, an old Suzuki Burgman that they then left standing in front of the store to escape on foot to the rear. One of the two bandits stayed at the door, while the other approached a saleswoman asking her to open the chest. The woman’s resistance made the thief nervous, who did not hesitate to point the gun at his head.
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