In view of the expiration of the Dpcm that dictated the rules to divide Italy into unified risk zones during the duration of the holidays, the government is studying the measures to be taken after January 6. The hypotheses for the moment are to proclaim the “yellow zone” for January 7 and 8, a “red zone” on the weekend of 9 and 10, and then continue with the division into bands according to regional criteria. At the proposal of Minister Franceschini, a fourth categorization hypothesis appears, the introduction of a “white zone” (or green) as of January 15.
The “white zone” would allow the most virtuous areas of Italy to loosen their shirts, without prejudice to the obligation of the mask and the prohibition to meet, with the reopening of restaurants, bars, cinemas, theaters, museums, gyms and swimming pools. At the moment, it is emphasized, no municipality or region could be included, but if the proposal is accepted – already endorsed by Minister Alfonso Bonafede and made known to the CTS – it will be formalized in the new Dpcm or by decree law.
Last update: Monday, January 4, 2021, 10:30 a.m. M.