open investigation after video


“The agents approached us and beat us with kicks and punches, we did not react,” said one of the two detainees. Also for this reason, a file has been opened, currently against unknown persons, for the crime of serious injuries. The investigation is carried out by the Milan deputy prosecutor, Giovanni Tarzia, who investigates the case of the agents involved, on September 16, of the arrest of two men, now detained for attempted robbery. Wives arrived with methods that went beyond protocol, as evidenced by a video.

The investigations coordinated by the assistant prosecutor Laura Pedio, delegated to the Mobile Brigade, aim to reconstruct in detail, even with the analysis of the surveillance cameras, what happened before the situation captured in the video, in which it is seen at least to one of the three agents. flying kicks and hits a man on the ground in handcuffs.

The policemen who intervened that night to stop in via Giotto, after a long chase, the two men who had tried to rob a jewelry store in via Marghera will be heard. It may also be necessary to enroll one or more officers in the suspect register (also as a guarantee for investigations).

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Both detainees have criminal records and one of them was in probationary care with social services. For now, the mother of one of the two criminals has filed a complaint against the agents.
