open case questions


Rome – A 25-year-old girl struggling with Covid for weeks: she fell ill in October with severe symptoms and then “believed” she was cured, a month after remission, now she is positive for molecular smear again, with pain and high fever. It is not the first case, in Italy and in the world, of a patient who recovers from Covid after passing it. In many cases, the second infection was worse, sometimes fatal. However, the young age of the patient and the absence of previous pathologies are striking. “I started to feel bad in mid-October – says the young woman – but the first quick swab on October 13 was negative. As I still felt bad, on October 20 I did a second molecular smear at the drive-in in Fiumicino and it was positive. The first time, the symptoms went from a very strong pain in the muscles, with a mild fever, to quite severe respiratory difficulties, even if the patient was always followed at home by her GP. On October 30, he underwent a new negative molecular smear at Sant’Andrea hospital. The second negative shock absorber arrived on November 13, at the drive-in theater in Santa Maria della Pietà. “Since November 13 – he explains – I was fine, I was just tired, out of breath, the doctor told me it was normal. A few days later I went back to the school where I work ”.

A few days ago, the father fell ill with Covid-19, apparently due to an outbreak in the workplace. “As a precaution – says the girl – in the family we all rub ourselves: I tested positive for the molecular, I had a fever of 38.5 and now I have pain in my muscles again.” A story very similar to the one we talked about on October 14 in Ragusanews: still a 25-year-old young man, but an American from Nevada and without any health problems, who returned to the Coronavirus a few months later, and the second time with much more symptoms serious. of having to be intubated. The story opens several questions: are rapid tests really reliable? And above all: why do we get reinfected, are we unable to develop antibodies? And then: the vaccines that are being injected into thousands of people, for which it is already known that we need at least a couple of boosters, how and for how long will they be able to cover us from the virus? At the moment, there are no certain elements to unambiguously affirm whether it is a new positivization, a relapse of the first disease or a real reinfection. The young woman was treated at home by the family doctor without further specialized investigations. If the cases of reinfection are still few in the world, those that, in the serological test carried out after some time, are devoid of previously developed antibodies, as if they had never fallen ill.
