
Only one person per family to do the shopping. The recommendation not to travel for unnecessary expenses, the rule that each store should have a maximum of one person for every ten square meters. Everything to contain the Coronavirus infection. This is what new ordinance of the Tuscany Region. “I signed an ordinance, effective as of tomorrow, that refers to retail trade and oriented above all to what can be, on weekends, the gatherings that are naturally remembered around shopping centers,” explained Governor Toscano Eugenio Giani. The ordinance requires that if you go to an establishment dedicated mainly to the sale of food, only one person should go per family, “avoiding that shopping malls and retail stores are opportunities for outings for the family”, but therefore only go for the necessity, trying to make the purchase quickly and following all the prescriptions regarding masks, spacing and hand hygiene.
“We have decided to act with ordinance because we have to be more and more rigorous since the health situation is worrying and infections are increasing, so we must all try to limit ourselves. Being able to avoid being carriers of contagion is good for us and for others because the pandemic is increasingly asymptomatic, but those who are asymptomatic do not have a weaker virus because it is a virus that, when transmitted to another person, can become strong ” Giani explained. The Tuscan ordinance states that there will be shops outside signs to indicate maximum occupancy of each exercise. Systems of “limitation and staggering of accesses or reservation systems” are envisaged, while as far as possible the entry and exit routes should be differentiated.
In short, the new Commercial ordinance effective as of Saturday, October 31:
In commercial establishments, only those wearing a protective mask that covers the nose and mouth are allowed to enter and must be disinfected with a special gel;
Each commercial establishment must indicate the maximum number of people admitted at the same time inside;
The parameter of 1 customer for every 10 square meters of sales area must be guaranteed, excluding operators;
Adequate reserve and staging systems must be used so as not to exceed the identified capacity limit;
Differentiate, if possible, the routes of entry and exit from the business;
In food establishments, access is allowed to only one person per family unit;
Special dispensers are placed at the entrance of each establishment to sanitize hands and adequate posters on safety measures;
When possible, near counters and cash desks, it is recommended to place separation panels between workers and customers. Alternatively, staff should wear valveless FPP2 masks and have disinfectant gels available;
For medium and large sales structures, body temperature detectors are placed at the entrance;
If the structure is organized in the form of a shopping center, different accesses must be provided between the shopping arcade and the mainly food establishments;
If the formation of lines is foreseeable, the interpersonal distance of one meter to be maintained must be indicated by signs on the ground, even on ramps and escalators;
The maximum attendance rate for access to toilets and elevators must also be guaranteed;
In the common areas of the shopping centers it is forbidden to consume food and beverages outside the spaces used for administrative activities.
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