Distance learning also for university students. Commercial businesses and movements blocked from midnight to 5. Hospitals forced to increase beds by 20% in 10 days

Suspension of Upper secondary school activities starting October 26, 2020; Suspension, in presence and with the possibility of activating integrated digital teaching, teaching activities in university universities, without prejudice to the lessons and activities that must necessarily be carried out in physical presence; stop moving throughout the region, from midnight to 5 am the next day; prohibition that accompanying patients remain in waiting rooms emergency and admission departments and emergency rooms; access for family members and visitors to long-term hospitality and hospitalization facilities, nursing homes (Rsa), hospices, rehabilitation facilities and residential facilities for the elderly, self-sufficient and not, limited only to the cases indicated by the health management of the facility , which requires the adoption of the necessary measures to prevent possible transmission of the infection.
These are the main measures contained in the order signed by the acting president of the Calabria Region Nino Spirlì, which must be observed until November 13, 2020, for the prevention and management of the epidemiological emergency due to Covid-19.
Obligation of masks
The provision establishes “the obligation, throughout the region, to always carry respiratory protection devices, as well as the obligation to carry them indoors that are not private homes and in all outdoor places, except in cases where that, due to the characteristics of the places or the factual circumstances, the condition of isolation of the people who do not live together is permanently guaranteed and, in any case, without prejudice to the anti-contagion protocols and guidelines provided for economic, productive, administrative and social activities , as well as guidelines for the consumption of food and beverages.
Increase in hospital beds
It also establishes that “hospitals must provide increase the number of beds dedicated to the care of patients affected by Covid-19 to the point of 20 percentage of DCA provisions n. 91/2020, within 10 days of the adoption of the new ordinance “.
“Obligation, for the health workers of the Prevention departments of the provincial health authorities, to make contact tracing more effective through the use of the Immuni App, to load the key code in the presence of a positive case by accessing the central system by Immuni “.
Likewise, for health workers involved in epidemiological investigations and contact tracing, it reiterates “the obligation to use a computerized card to collect case data, search for the source of infection and identify contacts, based on of what is included in the Covid-19 Emission Report No. 53/2020, specifying that the data entry in the national web platform for integrated Covid-19 surveillance and in the regional Covid-19 reporting platform remains in the hands of the health and hospital authorities, through the referents specifically identified and authorized to access “.
Spirlì’s statements
“Today’s ordinance is a necessary tool to protect the health of all of Calabria. It will not be a punitive order. You will have to help us make one instrument of protection for the weakest, for our elders, for our young people, for the fathers and mothers of families that, at this moment, like the rest of Italians and other citizens of the world, are in any case at risk.
This is what the acting president of the Calabria Region says: Nino Spirlì, when announcing the new ordinance for the containment of the Covid-19 epidemic.
“The term of action of this ordinance – it explains again – will be of only two weeks and it is necessary to follow it to the letter. We have issued it now precisely to avoid having to intervene more strongly during the Christmas season. We hope a good result, that is, that the number of infections can decrease significantly.
The schools
“As for the schools – adds the acting president – distance education is provided for secondary school. For all other schools at all levels, teaching will continue to be delivered on-site. The protection of patients admitted to the hospital with the cessation of parental visits is also contemplated, which also applies to the rsa and all those places of hospitalization where there are disadvantaged categories ”.
Night measurements
“As for the night hours – Spirlì adds – we decided to stop from midnight to 5 in the morning. We must avoid meetings, especially in squares, in public places or in front of clubs, which in any case have been a cause for concern in all regions of Italy and beyond.
The acting president of the Giunta launches his appeal to the Calabrians: “It will not be a very restrictive measure, but respect it. We are basically in our hands. We have excellent doctors and excellent hospitals that are getting organized. As we have seen in the difficult moments of spring, they have been able to stop the emergency with exhausting work, with an incredible human and humanitarian application. Each of us needs the others. Let us guarantee each other the protection of health, particularly of the youngest, I recommend that of the elderly; I recommend that parents protect and control their own health and that of their children; I already wish everyone a capacity for love towards the other, a capacity for brotherhood that we have always known how to demonstrate.
«If we overcome this critical moment again, as we have already been able to do – Spirlì is sure – we will find a way out like others and, I hope, before many others. You will be constantly informed, there will be no silences. You will not feel distance and absence, our presence will not fail, including, of course, mine, which will never fail. I thank you for the love and affection you showed to President Santelli. Jole deserved it and he also deserves the big little sacrifice of the next two weeks.
“Citizens participate in decisions”
The acting president also comments on the indiscretions about the ordinance circulated since last night. “More than a news leak,” he confirms, “it was the innocent action of one of the parties involved in the round of consultations that I wanted to undertake on the restrictive order. Furthermore, it was a sounding board, neither alarmed nor alarmist, of an administrative act that could, in its own right, create a cause of disturbance in the population. The Calabrians – concludes Spirlì – were able to learn, from the practical voice of their acting president, the method that this administration has implemented from the first day of assuming office: contact, discussion, listening and exchange. The doors of the building have been knocked down, citizens participate in the decisions. Even the most difficult.
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