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Civil service employees at the age of 65 must placed on the office break by the institution on which they depend if they have achieved the right to a pension.

We respond to a reader who writes us:

“Dear editor,

I take advantage of your kindness by asking you the following question:

An official of the Public Administration – Local Authorities – turns 65 in 2021, has not yet reached 42 years and 10 months of tax seniority, but accumulates more than 20 years of contributions. Is it true that when you turn 65 you must be put on sick leave, given that in any case you have earned some type of pension?

Office retirement at age 65

the automatic retirement at age 65As you yourself emphasize, it is only activated when the employee, upon reaching that age, has reached some right to a pension (old-age pension or anticipated pension provided for by the Fornero Reform).

An employee who has at least 20 years of contributions when he turns 65 is not can be placed in retirement due to the right to a pension Old age has not yet been reached, since it is also necessary to reach 67 years of age to be able to access it.

At the age of 65, therefore, only those employees who, having completed 42 years and 10 months of contributions if they are men and 41 years and 10 months of contributions if they are women, can access the early retirement.

In fact, the placement of the office retirement cannot intervene if the employee at the age of 65 cannot access the pension since with the cessation of work the worker cannot remain without salary and without pension.

The employee, therefore, who has not reached the right to the early pension must remain in the service, without having to submit any application for this to happen, until he reaches 67 years of age when he will be able to access the old-age pension.

“If you have any doubts or questions, please contact us at the email address ask for [email protected]
